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Finally ...a Head Scratch


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Ive had the first experience of scratching Kookie's head today...


Since Ive had him, he wouldnt allow me get anywhere near his head...but suddenly today and as usual I tell him "scratch"and I try to reach for his head..he bent his head down and allowed me to scratch him...honestly I was scared he would bite me but I took the risk..just like he did and I scratched his head, ears, area around his eyes and beak...he seemed relaxed and happy, closed his eyes and let me scratch him...while he did a hissing sound


A while later and as I passed by his perch, he hissed again and lowered his head, I guess calling me to scratch him again...I did without being afraid and I know that the trust is building..I love him even more for this...and I just felt like sharing the news...

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aww, awesome.


we've been able to scratch Pepper since she was 2 months old, and she is now 7 months old. she will constantly put her head down so we will scratch her.


or when she scratches herself, i will do it for her and she'll just sit there and enjoy it haha:lol:

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I'm happy for you that you got to scratch Kookie, that is great progress! I know how great it feels for them to put their head down for a scratch. My moms CAG doesn't like me at all and always tries to bite me but when he put his head down for a scratch one day I was so0 happy and now he lets me scratch his head all the time now but thats it.

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That is so great I remember when Tyco let me give her scritches for the first time I was on cloud 9 for days. From that day forward our relationship changed there where very few backsteps only forward and we are very good friends now. It took 7 months for Tyco to allow me to touch her feathers in any way.

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Thanks guys...Im really glad and I feel the bond with Kookie... my dad tried to sctarch him but he wouldnt allow him although he normally steps p to his hand...which means this is only special betwen me and him...isnt it great?? :)



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And now we are enjoying full head and neck massage for Kookie...he just relaxes/extends his neck, close his eyes and enjoys a 3 minute scratch & rub all over his head, around his eyes and nostrils, nder his neck and all...I just hope he will allow me touch his feet like that so that I can file his nails which are drawing maps on my hands...LOL



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ya...great he bites me small bites sometimes, I dont know why, but he seems more comfortable now with being touched.

Anyone knows what I can do to try to file his nails without having bitten or without making him uncomfortable?

My previous baby grey used to relax in my lap and enjoy the pedicure but Kookie insist that he's a male and he doesnt like that stuff...LOL



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Ranz, I subscribe to Barbara Heidenreichs' e-mail list and I just received a link for a free video on how to train your bird to accept nail trimming. It's the first of three videos, and the way it's worded it does sound like all three videos will be free. I can't post the link here because their system comfirms your e-mail address before they send you the link, but if you subscribe you should have access to it. She's well respected and I've liked her dvds in the past, but I haven't had time to download this video yet. Her web site is www.goodbirdinc.com

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