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Vanilla extract?


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Our vet said that there was a naturally occurring bacteria level in Chimay that was a little low, and he recommended supplementing his diet with about a half spoonful of yogurt each day. Chimay has been SO great about his diet and will eat anything put in front of him, EXCEPT yogurt. I had bought a tub of plain, no flavor yogurt and was wondering if was safe to augment it with a little vanilla extract or something? I'm asking first b/c I know that extract has some level of alcohol in it.


I've tried everything else I can think of -- Ground pellets with yogurt in the food processor, smearing his veggies/fruits with a small amount, mixing it in with his whole wheat pasta, and nothing has worked. I can't trick him!


Figures that the one food specifically recommended by the vet is the one thing that he won't eat. Ha ha!

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Alcohol is considered toxic to greys even in small amounts and death can occur. I would not use it at all. It sounds like you have tried everything to get him to eat the yogurt and it won't work. Perhaps you can try a fruited yogurt instead of plain? Or also just keep trying, sometimes it may take weeks for them to accept a new food but he may never accept it either.


What about the Imitation Vanilla Extract? I know that does not have alcohol in it, but it might not have the ingredients that would be useful in your situation either. I would definately not give anything with alcohol, even in the smallest amounts it could kill him and I wouldn't take the chance. Perhaps you can call your vet and ask him/her if there is another alternative to the yogurt, too.

Good luck.

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Okay...I had considered the flavored yogurt, but was a little worried about sugar content (as well as whether sugar-substitutes in sugar-free yogurt were good/bad). Maybe I can stick a couple vanilla beans inside the yogurt container for a few days. I use that technique in regular white granulated sugar to make vanilla-sugar...maybe it'll work the same way!

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what about fuit flavored yogurt, the one without sugar? Or how about adding some vanilla powder to yogurt, the one that looks like small sugar cristals?


Or perhaps you can warm up the yogurt for him,maybe adding some oats and his favorite fruit? I noticed my bird does not like cold food and he tends to eat more when its warm...I really hope it works out and he gets well soon

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Fortunately the vet doesn't think he's ill, just that there was a bacteria level that was a little bit low. Thank you for the great advice! I might try blending it into his sweet potatos after they've been cooked. Hopefully the cold of the yogurt helps to cool down the sweet potato since it comes out rocket hot at first.

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You can also put Lactobacillus(that's made for birds)in their drinking water. It is the same ingredient that your vet is looking for in the yogurt.

Your vet should be able to supply it to you. It is a whitish powder and you mix it in their drinking water for a couple of weeks. (I use it in juice, it masks it)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have found that thus far I can get her to eat ANYTHING if it is in Polenta. She almost gets a bit frantic for Polenta. Use an instant polenta with rice milk in the microwave, and then add the yogurt in to cool it. Let me know if it works!! Fingers crossed.

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