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Tyco made a new friend


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Yesterday I was looking all over the Place for Tyco. Tyco can't fly very well because she never learned as a baby. sO she usually hangs out either on her playtop her boing or on Fergies playtop Gizmo's cage is 2 rooms away in the diningroom because his cage is so big I had no more room for another huge cage anywhere else. anyway I was looking everywhere in the room for Tyco and she wasn't to be found so I started to look else where and I found her sitting on Gizmo's Cage top and she and Gizmo where yaking away at each other like they've been life long friends. Thats the second time I 've seen Tyco in that room the first time was about a month ago when she flew that far for the first time. and now she has done it again. I'm going to make a flyer out of that girl yet:laugh:

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:P :P Pat, this is too funny: I guess yesterday must have been African Greys Visiting Severe Macaws Day!


I don't leave both my birds out at the same time without close supervision, because we still don't have an established "friendship" between them. Tanner goes to visit Max on her cage any time he gets a chance - just crawls down off his cage, waddles across the floor, and crawls up on hers - and she seems to be accepting his presence a bit better, as long as the door is closed and he can't come INTO her cage. She usually just goes on eatng or playing or doing whatever she's doing and ignores him.


But yesterday for the first time when he was in his cage with the door closed and she was out, I came back into their room - where's Max? Looked on the bunny cage, which is her usual spot : no Maxi. Well, guess where she was: yep, up on Tanner's playtop! And he was just sitting in his cage as quiet as a mouse.


I feel like in our case it was less of a social call than a reminder that she's the boss bird, but I'm not sure (and of course I hope I'm wrong). For the last four days, I have been able to have both birds on me simultaneously again without much fanfare, so maybe they are both starting to feel a bit more secure about each other. When I think about it, we've only had Tanner about 4 months now, so all in all I think that's pretty good progress.


But congratulations on the Tyco-Gizmo Social Hour! I'm so happy for Gizmo, really - I'm sure he was thrilled to have a visit from a fellow FID!

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Fergie visits Gizmo all the time they have been friend since Gizmo was still in quaritine Fergie would sit outside his door and talk. Another one I'm really shocked at is my Green cheeked Conure altough I never leave them alone because of the size difference but they look alot alike and have become good friends also I think Sprout thinks Gizmo is just a big Conure and Gizmo thinks Sprout is a Very Small Macaw.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Cute! I'm glad Tyco and Gizmo have become friends. Do any of your birds absolutely NOT get along with any others? I'm still trying to get Lyric (2 1/2 year old TAG) and Sadie Grey (5 month old TAG) to get along. As long as one of them is inside a cage it goes okay but I can't have them both out together or Sadie chases Lyric and scares him greatly. I don't know what to do about it besides clipping Sadie's wings so she couldn't chase him but I don't want to do that to her because she so loves flying! It's a dilemna for me. :huh:

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The only 2 birds that don't get along in my flock are Tyco and Bandit my cockateil for some reason Tyco hates him. Mabie its because Tyco and Spike my white faced cockatiel that died after crashing into a window when the dog spooked him Tyco and Spike where best friends Spike did everything tyco did, and said everything Tyco said. Spike thought he was an african grey. after he died and Bandit got here Tyco hates him I guess she doesn't want a replacement for her little friend

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