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Youngest bird sarted talking


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Last weekend, Thorn (My youngest African grey) decided he was going to start talking. He started with answering “What does a duck say?” with “quack, quack” and “What does a kitty say?” with “Meeooowwww” and “What does a rooster say?” with “err ah err ah errrr”.


Well this weekend he learned my name, so he would say “Eric” and wait for me to say “Yes Thorn?” and then say the word of phrase he was practicing so that I would say “Good boy!!”. Well at one time I was playing CoD WaW (computer game) and had headphones on so I could not hear him (Betty told me what he said). He said “Eric” and waited for me, when I did not answer, he said “Eric” again and waited, then when I did not answer again, he said “Eric, pay attention!”. By this point Betty was nudging me and I said “yes Thorn?” and he then said “laser gun, pew, pew, pew, pew” (I was saying that to him earlier that day).

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Eric that is too cute, he is a smart little bugger isn't he and daddy is so proud, you should be, he knows exactly what he is talking about, thanks for sharing this with us.


If you can maybe you can capture some of this conversation on video and share it with us, it would be a hoot to hear.

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It was weird, I thought he was not going to be a talker because he never was even mimicking things. Then last weekend, he just blurted out the stuff we were practicing with Saphira. Saphira talks a little and she is a 12 month old TAG, Thorn is about 8-9 month old TAG, but by 5-6 months old Saphira said her first word, she was mimicking whistles almost as soon as we got her.


But, Thorn seems to be a much more controlled TAG. When they are out, he just wants to sit on Daddy, where Saphira like Daddy to chase her everywhere and heaven forbid if she finds a remote control, it is her passion to rip the buttons off the remote controls.

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OK, now my heart is broken. Betty just called me and told me that Thorn has been saying "Eric" all morning looking for me and she started saying, "He's not here, he is at work", then later would say, "He is not here, he is at work, do you miss him Thorn?".


She said after a while of that, Thorn has now said, "Eric, I miss you".


Makes me want to run home.

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It's really neat hearing what other people's greys have learned. I know my Lyric (2 1/2 yr old TAG) is smart but he chooses not to talk. I wonder what he would have to say if he decided to share it with the world? Keep us updated on your birds' progress!

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I think Thorn has found the magic button and lots of time when they do talk it is like a floodgate has been opened and now you won't be able to shut him up, not that you would want to.:S :whistle:


I can't really tell about his tail from that picture but it looks ok to me, so his tail is a brighter red than most Tags, he is very handsome.

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