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Mali Update


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Just thought I would give you a quick update on Mali


We went to the vets this weekend and he is having an operation on Weds to remove the chewed and damaged feathers so the new ones can grow through.

The Vet also said that He has grown and put on 40g in weight since Jan when she last weight him.

the collar he now has on is working and needs to be on 6 months to let his feathers grow.


i will update you all on weds after he has had his operation.

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Mali is back from the vets and everything went well. He is sore and grumpy from his op but he keeps blowing kisses to me. I have given him lots of head scritches and he has even let my husband give him one which is a first. He has to have some metacam for the next five days and he goes back to the vets next month.



i'm just glad he is back home.


Thanks for all your words.

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Congratulations on a successful operation for feather removal!


You are doing such a wonderful job of insuring Mali is well taken care of and getting all the needed treatments he needs. It is wonderful to hear of this kind of care being provided for a Grey that just needs lots of TLC from their family. :-)


Karma to you!

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