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I just want to thank Dave and Judy for helping me tonight.Cracker decided to take on a brick wall and came off worse.The vet has now rang and thinks it safer not to transport him,he is too shocked and may have concusion and bruising.I have been told to cover him up and check every 15 mins and rush him in if he goes worse.It is an emergency vet and she has no proper hospital facility for birds and also she said she has a very obnoxious dog in which was barking like mad,so cause more stress.So its down to me to keep him warm and quiet and hope for the best.I will phone Alan Humphries my own vet tomorrow and see what he recons Cracker is perching but very still and not made a sound since it happened. Thanks again Dave and Judy, I will keep you informed.

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You're welcome Shelia but I didn't do anything but pm Dave that you had a problem and I knew Dave would give you some sound advice, he is an invaluable asset to this forum.


This does sound kind of serious and I know you won't sleep tonight worrying about Cracker but I hope he is going to be just fine, I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers that he is his old self by morning.


Please do keep us informed as we all care about each other and our greys.

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Oh no Sheila, I am so sorry to hear this.


When Dayo had the Dog incident and flew into the wall at high velocity escape speed, he was out of it for 4 days, if you remember that.


He did not make a peep, eyes were constantly pinned for 2 days, would growl at me if I approached etc. He had a knot on top of his head and the swelling went down to his eyes as well.


How does Cracker look in regards the eyes, are they constantly pinned?


Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know that sick feeling very well. It is as if your child is laying in an ICU ward and all you can to is watch, pray and cry.


Please keep us updated.

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