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behavior question


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Ziva is 6 years old and not sexed but the bird store said they think she's a she because of her behavior. I saw her sit on the hand of a staff member and Ziva kind of squatted down and held her wings out and fluttered. That's what they said was behavior of a female.


That was last week and she has been doing that behavior all day today in her cage. At the same time she also makes a sound like a baby bird cheeping.


Is this typical female behavior or something else? She doesn't act scared. She seems to do it when I'm talking to her or she has my full attention.


I want to make sure there isn't something else going on or that it has another meaning and I'm missing something. I'm new to the CAG world and don't quite understand all the body language yet.


When I take her to the vet for a check up, I will do the DNA testing. I really don't care what sex she is, I'd just like to know for the heck of it.

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Thanks. It does seem to be mating behavior but I wasn't sure. I'm not touching her at all as all she wants to do is kill me. She jumped off her cage on to my bed and came after me yesterday. She has a very large vocabulary but isn't using it much as she has moved on to screaming. It's been a very noisy weekend.

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