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I can't believe youtube allowed this


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Or, maybe I can. I can understand that it's natural for cats to eat birds, but I would think it would also be natural for humans to intercept the capture or at LEAST try to train the cat not to pounce. I dunno. I've owned cats and I fed him catfood (and, yes, I DO know how they make the catfood, but I don't go in the factory filming it).


Here's the video...but BE FORWARNED! If you can't handle seeing animals eat each other, you may want to refrain. I will say that at LEAST the humans waited until the bird was dead before they pulled out the camera...but I cried anyway. :(




Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2007/06/13 17:55

Edited both time because I posted the wrong link. Sorry.




Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/13 18:14<br><br>Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2007/06/13 19:23

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Richardsmommy,Why did you feel a need to post this for everyone to see? I thought this was a happy place to be. I'd like it to stay that way. :dry:


And CD, I wish you had censored this. Their are kids on this forum, and they don't need to watch that.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/13 18:38

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I am not clicking the link. I dont think youtube censores anything. There is a movie on there somewhere where someone kills a fish with soda. And there are many other gross things on there. I dont use it and wont use it ever.

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Good point Talon as usual.. but censorship is something that should remain out of internet forums.. I can remember another forum that did that and pretty much lost all of it's members.. Remember that one? So no, we can't censor it.. but we can ask richardsmommy to remove it.. If you guys want that post taken down lets start by asking the OP to do it...


However, with enough complaints by you talon and the other members of our family here.. I will be forced to edit the link out.. Because at that point it no longer is a censorship issue.. It becomes a "quality of life one"


Thanks all.. and especially you Talon... :P

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I edited the post so no one can visit the link. My intention was not to cause rude remarks and responses. I want this to be a happy place, also. I would have hoped the anger would have been directed toward youtube. But, whatever. I'm sorry.


And by the way, I DID WARN YOU that it wasn't pretty...I didn't put it in all caps...maybe I should have. It's not like I posted the video directly in here. You had an informed chioce and you made it.<br><br>Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2007/06/13 19:37

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Im sorry I must be blind. Lol I did not see any rude remarks or responses.

Sorry if I upset you in anyway Richardsmommy. Its realy hard to read between the lines when it comes to chatting on the net I did not mean anything towards you with my remarks.

Youtube just plain sucks.:angry:

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You didn't offend me, Tari. In fact, you did what was expected...you saw the warning and decided not to click on it.


I had no intentions of starting any problems. I erased large paragraphs because it doesn't matter what I say to explain, it's going to come back to bite me.


All I have to say is I'm new here. Don't make rash judgments against me based on one post or you're missing out on one decent friendship, if I do say so myself. :)

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Whoa! Let's try to start over again everyone. No one is making judgements about anyone here. That's not what we do. We treat each other with dignity and respect.


Welcome Richardsmommy, looking forward to seeing some pictures and hearing about your grey Richard. :)

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Hi richardsmommy.. You are not surprised that you got the response you did from that clip are you? What was the reason to show a cat eating a bird on a bird forum? Even you have to admit it was pretty tasteless.. And for a first post you got everyone wondering what's up..


I didn't want to censor it so I thank you for doing the editting you did.. It's appreciated and will go a long way in showing the rest of the forum your true nature..


Thanks again,

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I have to object. Sorry guys. If I'm shocked about something I also like to share it, there even is an expression saying so: shared pain is half pain (well anyway, this is an expression in Dutch) and where can you get better consolation and share your feelings than on a forum where everybody loves birds?


I'm sure Richardsmum has placed this topic in that spirit. Instead of consolation she got critique, that's not so nice, I think. Especially before giving her the chance to elaborate on her intentions.



don't be surprised about youtube. they place things that are worse, like butchered human-body parts. the only thing they worry about is license-rights and ....



you guess it: money.

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Yikes Fairy... I don't think I want to debate you on this one... so I will just shut my mouth for now.. but I will say this before I leave.. There are LOTS of shocking things I could post here.. LOTS of them.. Way more gross then a cat eating a bird.. Just because I think they are SHOCKING.. doesn't mean I want to show everyone just how tasteless I can be... Because I can be as tasteless as the best of them.. :P;) ;) :side:<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/14 14:53

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  • 1 year later...

sorry i have to say posting a link like that wasnt in the best taste, but dont thin it was done with malice! Youtube are law unto themselves, some of the things there are so graphic i dont know how they were alowed on! this just touched a nerve as it is a bird forum, we come here for the living and the well treated and any help we might need, not the ones that get killed in that way!

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We all love birds thats why we are here so what if some one post a gross thing from Youtube we all know what kind of things are on there. so forget it and get back to talking and helping each other with our birds that what we are here for Richards mom welcome to the forum pull up a perch and make yourself at home. I for one could care less about what youtube has on ther site that their problem Mine is making sure my birds have the best of everything and I'm pretty sure everybody here feels the same way including Richards mommy so forget this stupid thread and lets get back down to why we are all here

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  • 11 months later...

It may be natural for cats to eat birds, but the concentration of cat (predators in general) that we have created by keeping so many in such populated areas puts a completely unnatural level of pressure on wild birds. They account for a large number of kills during migrations.

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I haven't watched this - but can read from the responses what it's about. For goodness sake - it's not informative, it's not funny, it's not entertaining - so why on earth dig it up? If it had been a year old tip on how to make your grey guess the lottery numbers then - okay - so be it, but come on - we don't need to see it - we know it happens - it's not nice though. Can we not have things like this deleted? I for one don't like seeing stuff like this in nature (but accept it is nature) let alone some &8$£? filming it.


Rant over!

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