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Shady can perch (Update)


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Wow my Baby actually perched for the first time not holding on to the side of the cage I'm so proud. another thing he did for the firs time is pick up his milk bottle cap with his foot and play with it holding it in his foot. I want to cry my baby is growing up so quick:laugh: Pretty soon he'll be ready for college :laugh: I started the weaning process yesterday also. I gave him some sprouts.chopped brocolli, pealed cut up grapes, cut up strawberrys, and some Sweet red peppers. My vet says I should start doing this even if he just plays with it at first it will give him practice and different tastes to help him like everything later on. this morning I chopped up a bit of apple for him. and he always has a dish of small size pellets available also. I am also going to see if Ican get him down to 2 feedings a day now. He went from 9:00 pm until 6:00 am last night without food and slept all that time. Usually his last feed is around 11:00 pm and he's awake at 6:00am for his next feeding he went 2 hours longer so I think he's ready to switch he is eating some of the veggies he likes broccoliI notice that was all gone. when I cleaned his dish last night.

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Yes the babies do grow too quickly and soon you will have an adult sized grey but it has been fun hasn't it and you have enjoyed every minute of it.


He probably is ready to drop a feeding and offering him the veggies and such is a good idea even if he doesn't eat much, at least he is getting a taste of it.


Perching, now that is big news and holding something in one foot while balancing on the other is signs that your baby is developing nicely, you are doing such a good job with him.


Thanks for the lovely update Pat.

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