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he's(she's) home!


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yes it is...even if it is a drive lol!


i have to tell everyone...i've been saying "up" when i pick up my baby and "down" when i put him back in his cage (duh lol) today he was on his perch flapping his wings, so i thought i'd take him out so he'd have more room...i stuck my hand next to him and barely had a chance to say "up" before he jumped on my hand! and he went back on his perch as soon as i said "down"!! it's been a lot easier to get him on my hand today as well. so i'm not sure if it was a fluke and he just happened to step up as i said "up" or if he's actually learning...either way it's awesome!!just had to share ♥


also, i was just wondering pple's opinions on bird 'clothes'...i've seen them a few places online...what are your thoughts? i'm not sure how i feel about them...

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GorgASS wrote:

also, i was just wondering pple's opinions on bird 'clothes'...i've seen them a few places online...what are your thoughts? i'm not sure how i feel about them...


What exactly are you asking about,flight suits to catch poop or what?:S :whistle: :silly:

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Those are very cute and different. Did you notice that not one of those birds was an African grey. Mabie Our greys are just to smart to wear clothes. I think my birds are beautiful wearing there latest fashion the absolutly gorgous red and grey feathers.what could be more beautiful?<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/01 06:10

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so the vet visit went well. i was really impressed...this one definately knew what she was talking about lol. he got a full check-up including blookwork (i'll know the results in a couple days for some of the tests and a few weeks for some) he didn't even have to get feathers plucked...she did blood for the sexing :) i was pretty happy about that. he weighs 426g...and tycos_mom, she said his constant squacking was probably a result of being taken from everything he knew and the change coming home, as well as an attention getting thing, but that he definately wasn't still hungry so that's awesome!! so i will def. tell you all how the tests came back as soon as i know.


also, for those of you with weaning experience...for every feeding today except the morning one (he's on 3 a day) he's started to eat his pellets about 30-45 min before i usually feed him. when he did this at his lunch-time feeding i let him eat his pellets, but had to interupt him so i could feel him so i could take him to the vet. then tonight (as we speak actually-i should have fed him already) he started eating 30 min or so before i feed him and since i don't have anywhere i need to go i'm letting him eat. he's been munching for about an hour (off and on) so far and he hasn't been whining for me to feed him so should i just let him eat? that's what i'm going to do i just wasn't sure if that's what i should be doing. when he's done eating his pellets and starts to whine i'll hand feed him, but since i'm weaning him i should let him eat on his own if he wants...right? just wanted to run it by someone who's been here before and has had some experience. thanks!!

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I'm like Pat, those outfits are cute but why cover up their good looks with those clothes, they are pretty enough "naked";) :P


Thats great you found a good vet this time and I hope all the tests come back that he/she is in excellent health and it sounds like it is.


I have no experience with handfeeding so I will let one of the other members who do answer your question on that.

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Yes those clothes probubly would be benificial to birds that pluck I seen allot of birds that wear flight suits so that they can't pluck. You are doing very well with your baby and if he/she wants to eat on his own by all means let him he's getting to the age now where he should be down to 2 feedings a day the morning feeding and the night feeding and as long as he's eating enough during the day he shouldn't need the middle feeding watch him for the next few days and feel his crop quite often to see how much he has in there before you feed him when he start really refusing to take his formula thats when if time to drop one feeding. I'm so glad this vet turned out ok I'm sure you will feel alot better knowing that you baby is in the hand of someone that knows what they are talking about, I really like my vet also she is so good with my birds. I took my AAmazon in for her yearly check up she has gained a few grms latley and I wanted to see what my vet thought and what I should and shouldn't feed her she has gained 40 grams over the last 6 months. So she can't have anything that you can make oil out of corn, peanuts sumflower seed you get the Idea. She definatly not going to be a happy bird she loves her peanuts.

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