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he's(she's) home!


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i picked up my baby yesterday!! i'm not sure of the sex but i'm going to get him tested when i take him to the vet tomorrow...i think i'm hoping for a boy lol. he doesn't have a name yet since i'm not sure of the sex, but i have a few picked out. he's been making noise almost constantly since he got home and is attacking his toys! lol i was kinda surprised how he just started playing with them right off the bat. anyway, just thought i'd share the good news with everyone!!

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Congrats on bringing your new baby home and now the bonding begins and you are starting a new life with your new companion.


My Josey took to her toys right off too when I first brought her home but as she has gotten older she is more cautious which is the norm for greys. I think with all the newness as with being a baby they are more fearless so be prepared for him/her to be more cautious in the future.


I can't wait to hear whether you have a boy or a girl, hope it is a boy if that is what you want, have my fingers crossed. Keep us informed of how things go with the new baby and while you are at it, get some pics too, we want to see him/her.

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it's been going really good! he's being quiet right now...i think he's getting ready for a nap ;) he's been letting my kids (3, 5, and 9) pet/touch him. i had him out on the floor earlier and he was all over exploring EVERYTHING!! worse than a baby i think lol! he's was digging around in his cage like he's looking for something earlier, but he did spill his food all over so maybe that's all he was looking for. i weighed him and he wouldn't stay completely still but he's around 400g...the breeder says he's looking like he'll be a bigger cag. i'll let you all know what the vet says tomorrow and his(or her)name as soon as i know if he's a boy or a girl!

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Oh yeah, he/she is going to be nosy, they want to explore their new home and surroundings. Sometimes they do some scratching around like a chicken, thats all normal, my Josey will still occasionally do that and it usually means she wants to come to me, she is not flighted at the moment.


I can't wait to hear how the vet visit goes, hope he/she gets a clean bill of health and we find out soon what his/her name will be.

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i fed him some cooked carrots and some mashed potatoe today...he seemed to like the carrots better lol. i'm thinking we'll try fruit tomorrow...raspberries and blackberries are ok right? i bought some frozen mixed fruits and those are in there, just wanted to make sure he could eat them.

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Your baby is really cuteI lave those baby dark eyes enough to turn your heart to hot butter. what a sweetheart is he totaly weaned or are you handfeeding him.If you are handfeeding how many times a day? just curious? I'm haveing some great time raisingmy little one they grow up so quick.

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he's still on 3 handfeedings a day, and it's going really well. just curious how do you go to 2 a day? he ate some apple today, and we leave for the vet in a few minutes here, so i'll let you know what they say! i put him in a smaller cage last night at bedtime instead of his aquarium and this morning i fed him and left the top off and the next thing i knew he was perched on top of one of the sides of the cage! so i had to get him to step up onto me to get him to the ground lol. he looked like he was going to try and fly down! he's been doing this hop wing flap thing yesterday and again today so i think he may be getting ready to try and fly!!

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the vet visit went good (i think lol). he said my baby was doing really good, which is awesome! he also said i should wait to dna till he was fully weaned but i don't see how that would make a difference...he also didn't do any tests, he just checked his poo for parasites. is that normal? i was under the impression there were tests of some sort that should be done, unless maybe he didn't cuz he isn't weaned yet?? he said he had recently amputated a grey's wing because the grey had plucked it so bad that once the feathers were gone it started pecking at itself, so it seems like he's got experience, but yet he had never sent in a sample to get a bird sexed, so i'm not really sure what to think...i do live in a relatively small town but you would think SOMEONE would of wanted their bird sexed wouldn't you?


tycos_mom: (and whoever else has a baby) when/how did your grey learn how to perch? i'm just curious cuz i padded the hell out of his normal cage and removed all perches except the ones down low and he immediately went and perched. no falling off...nothing. right now he's sleeping standing on the floor, but if he's awake he's been on the perch pretty much all day. it didn't seem like he needed to learn anything-he just knew how, so i was curious if yours fell at first or anything.


also i was worried about him climbing up the sides and falling from the top and getting hurt, that's why i didn't put him in his big cage right away. i went and bought a smaller cage last night and put him in there, and before too long he was climbing all the way to the top (24") and all the way back down-like he already knew what he was doing. the breeder said he was only in a brooder, so why isn't he really having any problems with this new stuff? i'm definately not complaining or anything i'm just curious why he's doing so well. you can tell he's new at the climbing thing cuz he can't always find a place for his foot to go, but he's doing really good.


i also tried some apples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries today. he seemed to like the apples, which i gave to him this morning, but so far he hasn't gone near the other stuff. it came as a mix frozen, do you think it was just too much at one time? (too many different things i mean?) i'm going to go to the store tomorrow and get some baby food and stuff and try that since it's more like his formula now...hopefully he'll like that!


sorry for the long post lol!!

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Your baby is a couple weeks older than mine so mine fell alot I think because your bird is older he has better ballance. That is riddiculus what does weaning have to do with DNA I guess there isn't an avian vet around where you live. You can look on the internet and see there are biolabs that do dna testing you just have to send in either a couple feathers or a drop of blood. I myself couldn't pull my babys feathers but I could clip a toenail a little short just til it bleeds then send in a drop of blood If you do this make sure to have some steptic powder or flour od cornstarch to stop the bleeding. I don't have the link but the girl with the other new baby posted it in her thread you can look it up Its probubly cheeper that way also It cost me 52.00 to get done at the vet. My vet didn't have to wait til s/he was weaned.

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that's what i thought! (about the dna) i'm taking him to another vet i think...after i got home i realized he didn't even weigh my bird!! he picked it up (one handed which he didn't like one bit!!) felt it a little, pet it for a while, then put it back and checked the poo. i'm feeling quite ripped off at this point. another vet i called today said my visit had to be pre-paid since i'm a new costumer, so i said ok. then when she asked for a credit card # i said i'd pay when i got there, but before the visit. she said it had to be paid before she would even make the appointment! i think that's crap! so tomorrow i'll be on the hunt for a new vet...wish me luck!

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Really see if you can find a certified Avian vet. Its really quite important. A regular vet basicly deaLS cats and dogs they do cover all animals when they go to scool but its just the basics if you want someone that trully nows what birds are all about you need a vet that has specilized in birds. You wouldn't go to you GP to get a Face lift even though he cover the basis in school you want someonne that speicilizes in Plastic surgery its the same with you bird he/she needs a specialist.

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