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We got our new baby today.


She was very grungy, and we washed her up. Her feathers have been clipped, i'm not to pleased. So, I guess we'll have to wait for her first molt to let learn to fly?:angry: She is having problems perching, and I blame that to on the poorly clipped wings.



She is eight weeks old, and tonight she has been trying to use her feet to hold her carrots and ect. Its cute, because she just can't do it.


Anyhow, She growls, at everything. When we walk into the room, when we open the cage, when a dog barks. Everything. What do I do? I understand its because she's scared, but is there something I should be doing?<br><br>Post edited by: Twosteph, at: 2009/03/29 04:21

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If the clipped wings upset you, some avian vets will to feather grafts to the clipped bits so they can fly. It isn't cheap, but it can be done. So far as growling goes, are you sure it is a growl and not baby "mommy feed me" noise? Sone of the babies that I have handled have a very throaty begging noise. Not always, but sometimes. Schroeder growled at a very young age, but it is rarely because he is really upset. he likes to "dominate" his toys with a good grrrrrrrrrrr several times during the day. He also likes to growl at me before we play.

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lovethatgrey- Thats what I was saying. I got her out when I got off work yesterday and threw a fit, one because she was so dirty, two because her wings were ALREADY clipped. She still has pin feathers, and yet they thought it to be important to clip the wings? ughh


Schroeder- The growling is any time we make a noise or one of the dogs bark. She can be growling while eating, ha. I don't think its a hungry growl, because she'll be doing it after we pump 30cc in her. I honestly think its just a scared growl. Maybe within the next couple days it will stop.

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Oh my that is just plain cruel to clip that baby's wings before it even had a chance to fledge they need theie wings to develop proper musule on their chest I would want to kill where did you get this baby and if its from a breeder then that breeder sould know better and if they don't then someone needs to tell them how bad it is to clip a baby befor it fledges. I'm flabbergasted at the thought I just can't imagine what they where thinking they could ruin that baby's confidence for life no wonder he;s growling I would too.

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Congratulations on bringing your new baby home!!


It's too bad they didn't keep her cleaner and especially that they clipped her wings before being able to fledge. The good news it, if they didn't clip the wings too short. They will still grow out enough that she may be able to fly short distances. I know it's not the same as truly fledging, but if she can fly a little, it's better than nothing and she'll be used to flying as her primaries molt out in the next year.


The "Growling" I would suspect is some noise other than a true growling grey.


Here is a growling grey, is this what your hearing?


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Steph, I would be throwing a hissy fit at that breeder, thats insane to be clipping wings at 8 weeks of age, now that baby has to wait until the flights grow out to learn to fly, I'm sorry to be so mean but I would be hopping mad.


That may be one reason why it is growling but they do that at anything they fear and since you just brought her home then everything is new to her and she is a little scared. Give her time to settle in and feel comfortable and the growling will subside.


On a happier note, congrats on bringing your baby home, I know from earlier posts that your mom knows all about birds and handfeeding so you will have no problem there.


Please keep us updated on how she progresses and I would have a few words with that breeder if I were you, or let your mom handle it, it will have more impact if it comes from her.

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Hey Steph!

Congrats on your new baby!! I am so happy to hear that you got another baby! I think its cool that we both have babies around the same age, mine is also 8 weeks old (hatch date Feb 2nd) and I am handing feeding him too. I just brought him home 2 days ago and boy is he such a joy! I just love him to death and can't take my eyes off of him! In the first day of being with me he climbed onto his perch for the first time, it was so cute lol. My baby sometimes growls too, he was growing at a green pellet on the floor, and he growled at me because I took him off his perch because I thought he was stuck. Maybe yours is just getting used to you. So do you have any pictures of your new baby? And have you thought of any names? My boyfriend and I can't decide on any names yet, its soo hard! Well keep me posted and I will do the same! :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/29 17:26

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You have all of our support twosteph!


Right now would probably be a good idea idea to introduce the little one to light sponge baths...to get her familiar with getting wet. Have you tried that yet. Maybe filling up a bowl of warm to cool water only deep enough to wet her toes letting her sit in it for a bit and just use your hand to sprinkle her head lightly with water.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/29 17:53<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/29 17:55

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Thanks for all the responses. The growling has kind of stopped, and she's much more interested in everything. I guess she needed some time to settle in. She growled like a monster at a hard boiled egg, then again I guess that would be like putting a dead baby in front of me. Ha. Eventually she ate it.


As for the clipped wings, the breeder I got her from didn't do it. She got the bird from someone else, along with two others. There's not much that can be done now, so i'm not really going to throw a fit.


I have been rinsing her off, esp when we got her. She was plain filthy. She is much more playful and alert then Hazel ever was. Shows how sick that little baby truely was.


We named her Stella


I will post pictures when I get home from work.

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