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Can anyone help me find a grey?


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I think i've found the perfect grey in Largo, Florida, but the adoption fee is 500. That's actually a GREAT price, but since i'm young and i'm still under my parent's roof, i'll have to wait until I get a job who hires young people. My parents aren't going to pay for it unless I make valedictorian. :blink:


That's never gonna happen. I'm afraid that the bird will be gone by the time I get a job! I called the adoption agency and got as much info on the bird as possible, praying that it would still be there by the time I get a job and save the money.


Anyway, I've tried Craigslist, Petfinder, The Palm Beach Post, just about everywhere! My dad even has a friend who has parrots (he's even offered me a few wacky pets), but for some reason, my dad refuses to call him. You see, the man is my dad's customer, and unless he stops by to get his car fixed, he's not calling him.


I need some new ideas incase that african grey is gone by the time I save the money. Am I repeating myself? :unsure:



With love, Kipsie


PS, I'm in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.<br><br>Post edited by: Kipsie, at: 2009/03/29 01:50

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Hi Kipsie! I live in West Palm Beach FL too! I just got a baby grey from a great breeder that lives in Jupiter Farms, but she doesn't have any more at the moment. I talk to her all the time so I will let you know if any of her pairs have another clutch. The grey in Largo does sound pretty cheap, how old is it? And it is from a pet store? My name is Caitlin by the way and I am 20 years old. Its nice to meet someone that lives near me! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Have you been looking for a job so you can get your grey? lol They are great pets and are such a joy to have!:)

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Why is the bird so inexpensive? Ask about health problems, and ask if its friendly. Make sure you know the age. You're not going to want a bird thats extremely aggressive.


I live in St. Pete, FL. So i'm pretty close to you. The breeder I went to sells them for 600.00 at two weeks, and 800.00 at weened. (I think thats right.) Either way, you'll need a job to pay for vet bills, a cage, toys, proper food and ect.

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I asked if it's friendly and they said they didn't know. Would they really have an ill bird up for adoption? On Petfinder, the bird wasn't flagged as 'special needs' or anything... They told me everything they knew, which was only "All we know, ma'am, is that the bird is an adult and he's an african grey". I'll look into a breeder. Maybe that's best. Maybe I can even try getting more information out of them, like, "Does he have all of his feathers?".

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How old are you Kipsie? There is one young lady in my neighborhood (State of Washington) who works at a local pet store cleaning cages and other odd jobs around the pet store. She is saving her money so she can buy an older cockatoo the store has. Perhaps that is something you could look into in your area. Just an idea.

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forget the adoption. i admire you for wanting to take it on but likely you wont have the skills to take a rescue. my advice is to take it slow there are plenty of good greys out there and their is no hurry! take your time get your priorties in check. your still at home and im guessing still in highschool. Finish hs, get a job and hopefully more schooling and then see if your ready to take on the great responsiblity of getting a grey. Take some time and read up on them there is lots to know!

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We can say our age on here? On the guinea-pig forums we cant... Well, i'm 17 and am in 11th grade. I was looking for a job in a petstore (Petland), but the only pet birds they have are a red-breasted cockatoo ($1800, I'm considering this) and a sun conure (I didn't bother to ask the price). About waiting until I graduate... Uhhh... I'll consider it.

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Hi Kipsie,


The others have all given some great food for thought.


One other thing you may wish to do, is to have a heart to heart with your parents to fully understand what their reasons and concerns are about you getting a very expensive and HIGH MAINTENANCE = $$$$ exotic pet that lives for upto 70 years.


Giving you a goal of being the valedictorian upon graduation is a high goal and your parents are just trying to use something that you are obviously highly motivated to get, to perhaps encourage you to do your best academically as a way of earning it. :-)


With your school schedule and the amount of time in class, then homework etc. You would be very hard pressed to find the time to deal with a "Rescue" bird of any type.


The others gave great advice on getting a young Grey from a breeder, rather than a rescue with "Baggage" that takes time and more importantly, experience in dealing with Parrots.


Looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses. :-)

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I've already dug a deep hole I cant get myself out of with my grades, but I see what your saying. I should show them how responsible I am.


A lady named Gina just emailed me to send her a resume. She manages a flower shop. It's no petstore, but it's almost as nice. The only problem is that I have no idea how to write a resume, but i'll figure it out. I'll have my baby grey in no time! I think i'll let the rescued bird go.


Thank-you guys so much!

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Kipsie wrote:

I should show them how responsible I am.


Thats it in a nutshell and I will give my two cents worth too while I am at it. You are very young with a lifetime ahead of you, plenty of time for a grey, finish school, college too if you are going then get your grey. You will be busy with classes, other school activities, dating and socializing with friends, then when you find a job get your grey when you will have the time to devote to its care and well being.

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Hi Kipsie,


I would add that you need to consider all of the expenses of ownership, especially what you'll need from the very beginning. On top of what you pay for the bird you will need a vet check (please do not put this off!), lots and lots of toys, a good, large cage, food, etc.


I would say you want to have at the very least an additional $1000-$1500 saved up before you buy the bird in order to give the little dude a good environment from the get go. The kind of start you make will determine your bird's future behavior and happiness.


Most people would also advise against buying an unweaned baby. I would strongly agree!


Good luck with the job hunt!!!

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