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how to deal with new CAG


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Hey,every one i need help in here!!! i just bougth CAG 3 years old.3 days ago his name is bonek i love him so much!!! but the problem is he always bite me,went i try to touch him.but if my wife call him or touch him he always come and never bite. so what i should do??? thanks every one...:( :( :(

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Congradulations on your getting Bonek. He is still new and getting used to his new surroundings so giving him time to settle in. He is in a new place and everything is strange to him right now.


Greys are known for picking a favorite person to bond with and right now it sounds like he has picked your wife. They are known to be one person birds. That does not mean you can not have a good relationship with him though. I would just give him some more time. Things could change and he may become more friendly with you. Main thing right now is letting him get comfortable with both of you and his new surroundings. He may be a little scared so Go slow at his pace. To get him used to you you can go by his cage and talk to him, read to him, do projects near by his so he can see you and get more curious. You can sing to him and just try to be near him without pressuring him in the beginning while he settles in. He has been through a big change it takes some time.


There are many threads here on greys and please feel free to look through them. There is tons of information on the site pertaining to almost everything. If you have specific questions don't hesistate to ask. There are many knowledgable members here ready and willing to help answer any questions you may have.


I hope you will tell us more about Bonkek. Where did you get him from? Do you have any other parrots or pets? And if you could post a picture of Bonkek that would be great. We loving showing off our greys here.

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Hello and welcome to the forum! Bonek is still getting use to you and it will take some time for him to trust you completely. He may not even trust you at all, some greys can be one person birds and he may only like your wife. All it takes is time and patience. Good luck and enjoy the site :)

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thank's.baxtersmom for the advice i will try give bonek time so he can more comfy and i get bonek from some one i know him in internet he replay my add in craigslist.his say doesnt have time any more for the bird.so i bought bonek real name is tango i just give new name on him.ha3 i dont have any pet his my 1st pet...and yesterday try to upload pic of him,but for some reason fail!!! i will try again,if you have more in put for me and bonek that will good...:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Hello Bonek and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Bonek.


You have only had him 3 days and that is not near enough time for him to settle in and feel comfortable and greys are real cautious of anything new or different and that includes you so be patient with him and he will settle in and then you will find out how much he will allow if any for you to touch him.


He is biting you out of fear and he can't tell you to back off, he has to bite you to get his message across and you need to respect that, he will let you know when you can go for more from him.


You will find lots of useful information here in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We just love pictures here so if you have any of Bonek you would share with us we would love to see them.

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