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Birdsitter Questions and Update!


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Hi guys,


Zahzu is doing very well - she's growing back all her feathers, and is talking and making nonsense NON-STOP! Now, since her ear is sorted out, next thing to do is get feather cycsts operated on (which will probably be on 15/4/09). She plucks a little, but nothing serious.


Anyway, she stays with a lovely lady who cares for her while we are away on holiday - last weekend on Saturday night she plucked a whole lotta feathers! It was at night at the bird sitter's house, and she is wondering why this could have happened? She was fine during the day and every other night.


So, the bird sitter and myself are wondering what we can do to make her feel more at home when she's away from home?


The couple of things I came up were:

-Leave a night light on for her

-She might be missing the humming noise of our fish tank filter?


Any other ideas would be great!



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The thing is, she's fine and very happy during the day, and was fine the other two nights... wondering if something scared her that particular night?


We usually end up having to leave her once every few months - this year she spent almost 3 weeks with her in january, then again last weekend for 3 nights, and over easter she'll be staying there again.

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