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My baby is HOME!


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Hey everyone,

Well he's home!! And boy is he such a joy to have! He is sooo precious! I absolutely love this little guy and I can't take my eyes off of him. He is so curious and he won't stop playing with his toys. He makes the funniest noises when he plays with them too. He has been eating these tropical pellets that he loves and some apples. Right now he is preening himself in his cage, ahh he is too cute! I still don't know if its really a he but the breeder said they are 90% sure its a boy because he is so big and the square head! She didn't get a chance to DNA him so I'm going to wait til some feathers fall out and DNA him myself, I already have the DNA kit. Well I will update you guys again. Here are some pictures!




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Congratulations Caitb! He is beautiful.....sigh


How old is he in these photos? Is he weaned or are you feeding him formula?


Also, can you tell me where you got a DNA self testing kit? I would love to buy one to have for the future (when I hopefully will get a second chance to raise a AG).


One thing though, I had found a lab in the UK which tested feathers which you send in by mail. The instructions said specifically that they have to be freshly plucked chest feathers, not feathers which have molted. I think they need to extract some blood cells from the quills to do the testing. That's why I was going to wait for a while - didn't want Alex to lose his trust in me.

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OMg Catlin look at your baby! What a cutie pie. I know that you are sooo happy! Our breeder thinks the baby I want is a boy too. She has 3 babies but 2 are on the waitlist for a boy and a girl. I don't care but the baby we want has a big head, large nostrils and is big she's pretty sure he's a boy too. Something about those large heads and nostrils. Good luck enjoy him and have fun! Yippeeeeeee :laugh:

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He is 8 weeks old and yes I am hand feeding him. I have experience in hand feeding from breeding cockatiels before so its pretty easy, he is so much easier to feed than those little cockatiels lol. My mother is also a big help.

I got the DNA kit from http://avianbiotech.com/ its free for the kit and cost $24.50 for the results. I realized once I started reading the directions that they had to be plucked from his chest feathers because they DNA the tissue at the end of the feathers. I'm kinda scared to pluck the feathers from him even though they say it won't hurt him. lol

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Hi I'm so glad you findly have your baby home aren't they just a joy to have around. There is no way I could pluck my babys feathers thats why I got my vet to do it She pulled 3 flight feathers from my baby and s/he screamed a painful litle scream there is no way I could do that. but My vet did it so Quick it was over in a second. mabie when you take your baby for a welness checkup your ve could pull the feathers for you. Shady is starting to climb the cage now also. s/he trys so hard to pull himself up onto the perch I put at one end of the cage way low to the floor s/he can't quitew do it yet but practice makes perfect so I'm sure sooner or later Shady will be perching. Shady likes to crunck up her/his Zupreem cockateil size fruity pellets also I have also fed shady scrambled eggs. mashed sweetpotatos. and babyfood mixed veggies s/he doesn't really eat much of it yet mostly just plays with it. I'm so glad you have your baby home it so much fun to have someone to share experiances with. I like that both our baby's are about the same age. I'll keep you updated if you keep me updated about yours. Have you named your baby yet if so please tell me his name Thanks. I'm really glad your enjoying your baby as much as I'm enjoying mine. Shady love all the toys also and is so curious about every single thing:laugh:

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My baby perched for the first time today! It was sooo cute! I watching him trying so hard to get up on the perch and he finally got on! I am so proud of him. Now he won't stay off the perch. He still struggles to get on but he is getting better and better. Of course I had to take a pic of this and a video lol. I think I am going to make a baby book of his firsts!





P.S. Thanks Pat, I am really happy to get to share this experience with someone else that is going through this too! And of course I will keep you updated! :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/29 17:28

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what kind of cage do you have him in? my breeder said i shouldn't put him in a cage for a few more weeks so he's in an aquarium at the moment but i can't put any perches in there so how will he ever learn? i thought maybe if i remove all the perches and put one down low, and remove the grate at the bottom maybe i could put him in his cage. any thoughts? to me it looks like he's trying to climb up the side of his aquarium, so i'm not sure if i should put him in his cage cuz if he does climb up the side and falls, it could be quite a fall...3 1/2-4 feet. i don't want him to get hurt. anyone have any suggestions? i tried looking for a suction cup perch at the local pet stores but can't find one...

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He is in his regular cage, my breeder told me to put him in the cage because he started to climb around and that is building his muscles. I removed the grate and put a towel underneath the newspaper in case he does fall. The perch is also really low to the floor and he climbs on it all by himself. How old is your baby? If 8 weeks or older I would put him in the cage so he can get stronger. Like you said how is he going to learn? lol

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my grey is 10 1/2 weeks. i'm just afraid of him climbing to the top and falling...the cage is about 4 feet high...maybe i'll go buy a smaller cage and put him in there for now...i will need a smaller travel size cage eventually anyway lol

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Our baby's are so close to the same age this is fun whatching your baby do the same thing that my baby does how many times a day are you feeding him. Shady is still on three handfeeds a day but I think I'm going to cut him back to 2 handfeeding in the next couple days depending on how much he's eating of his veggies abdd pellets. Are you going to cut your baby down yet. Heres a picture of Shady Grey Perching

FergieandShadyperching002.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/30 00:44

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Pat, Shady is so cute perching all by himself, he looks so proud! I actually started 2 times a day today because he has been eating the fruits and veggies and also some pellets. He doesn't seem hungry anymore at lunch, so I thought I would try it today and he did great.


Look at how my baby fell asleep today! hahahaha I thought it was soooo cute so I quietly opened the cage and had to take a pic and share! Isn't he adorable?! He is perching and leaning on the cage! lol I'm so0 in love with him!

SDC10714.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/30 02:46

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Update on my baby:


He is doing so good. Today is the 4th day we had him and he seems use to us already. He is so sweet and loves to check everything out. He perches all the time now and has become quite good at it. He climbs the cage and has finally learned how to climb back down. Lol he kept getting stuck. He is a good eater and loves to pick up all the colorful foods and taste them, he really likes apples, squash, and peppers. Wednesday is his first vet check up with an Avian Vet that I found near me and I'm excited to meet him. My mom plucked some of his feathers out so we could DNA him and I already sent it away in the mail on Monday so hopefully by Friday I know his true sex. And then I can name him!


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