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Gilbert Is Great!!!! Updated 4/2


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I'm so happy!!!

Gilbert hasn't nipped me in 2 full days,he's been showing off up his vocab,and all the cool sounds he knows. The most interesting are the telephone and sending a fax,along with one sounds that sounds like an incoming missile strike

He also has proven his intelligence and picked up a new word already and uses it. He was calling all treats and scratches"Cracker",but today he called for a "Tickle"and put his head way down for me to scratch the back of his head and neck. He certainly loves the scratches too,I rubbed and scratched for 15 minutes and he made a noise that sounded like a cry when I had to stop


He's only been here 9 days so I'm expecting us to have a really great relationship. Now to start working on Step Up


Post edited by: Parrotdise, at: 2009/03/31 04:13<br><br>Post edited by: Parrotdise, at: 2009/04/02 14:25

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I am so happy for you.I dont think the step up well be too much of a problem,he sounds a very sweet grey.My charlie does that missile sound, I call it his space invader noise.Take things slow and he will be fine.

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Day 12 of Gilbert living with us.


We're really going to be great friends I think. Tonight he was out of the cage,while I'm shopping for a new cage for him,and I noticed he only sat on the door of the cage,not up top like he normally does. So feeling frogggy I went and offered my hand,and he bent really low and put his head under it to be rubbed. Now I've got a swollen head and I think in a few days I'm going to ask him to get on my hand/arm

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I've got a seriously swollen head over here right now. We are making incredible progress,that I thought would take a whole lot longer. Yesterday was 2 weeks for Gil living with us,and he is making such an effort to be a sweet and darling guy.

Tuesday night my husband swore he heard Gil say"Whatcha doing?" clearly in my voice. Talking is cool enough,but it's not even close to as exciting as what came next. I spend the majority of my nights upstairs with Gil,watching TV,surfing,reading and anything else I can do to just be there. He was out of his cage getting tickles and I reached down to get a feather off the door,and Gilbert just stepped right onto my hand,like it was no big deal and he does it all the time. Yesterday he took a bath for the first time,I've tried to gently mist him,and that wasn't much of a success,but yesterday morning he got into his big dish of water and splashed around for a good 15 minutes,getting completely soaker.

I'll admit at first I wasn't sure how much of a touchy relationship we'd have,and I was fine with letting him lead the way. I now believe that I'm going to be able to handle him and that this relationship is going to be hands on,because he wants it.

Oh and he has one new feather on his fanny. He also seems to enjoying new food,off a CLEAN spoon,and I say,whatever it takes to get him to try the good stuff<br><br>Post edited by: Parrotdise, at: 2009/04/02 14:32

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