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afraid of rope perch


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I just got Rita a new striped cotton perch. She is really afraid of it . So I took it out of the cage. Today I showed it to her again when she was on top of the cage and she would not go near it. Do you think I should get rid of it or just keep trying? Any suggestions?

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It' possible that she may never get used to it and it's possible that she may. It's not something that can really be solved. Either they like it or they don't. Many people go out and buy extremely expensive toys or playstands or other expensive items and the bird will totally ignore it or be afraid of it or love it. Just because it says that the product is made for birds doesn't mean that the bird will like it. Take your rope and put it in the bird's environment but not next to him. It may take a long time for she to show interest or she may not show interest. Most CAGs are very leery of new things--that goes for new cages, new toys, new bowls, new perches, new swings and other items. It may take weeks for a grey to approach it with bravery. First, the bird has to completely check out the item to see if it bites back and then slow interest starts to develop----Maybe.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/28 02:31

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It's very normal for her to be frightened of it. I would just take it away for a few days and give her a break. In a few days just place it where she can still see it but not too close so that she seems frightened. Let it sit there for a few days and then try again and see if she'll perch on it.. but pay attention to her body language... if she seems frightened and freaks out .. back off and try again some other time or day. Don't ever push or force her. The key is gentle persistance.


You'll just have to follow her cues and rhythm. She may never like or feel comfortable with it..it may take a long while... but perhaps one day she will realize it's ok.


I wouldn't get rid of it just yet... that's for sure.

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My Grey hated a rope ring when I got it for him (three months ago) and he still never goes anywhere near it... in fact I must get rid of it, it's still hanging from his perch :whistle: ..it doesn't disturb him or frighten him as such, he just never took to it and has always avoided it..and I guess I've left it this long becuse I'd hoped he would somehow begin to like it...


You could try (I never found the time to bother with this) attaching his favourite treats to it and letting him see them, then the rope could, possibly, with time, become a source of pleasure for him instead of an object that provokes fear.

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