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How & Why?


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I was just wondering if you'd all like to share your unique stories about Why you decided to invite an african grey or timneh grey into your life, How you met your feathered companion and How have they enriched your life.


I look forward to reading about all of your experiences.



Thanks for sharing.{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/28 01:12

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My story is a sad one. I had a cat for 12 years since she was a kitten and my whole world revolved around her. She got sick and diagnoses with Acute Kidney Failure. It was terminal:( . I knew I wouldn't get another cat again and decided that when she passed I would get a parrot. I seen some sun conures that I thought were beautiful and thought I would get one of them. My husband checked craigslists and found some conures and an African grey and right from the start I said I wanted him~the grey. We went and saw him that day, picked him up and took him home. Now he is my whole world. My kitty got somewhat better and actually lived another 8 or 9 months which was a miracle. I was very blessed to have her that extra time and it gave me enough time to say good bye to her. Baxter is just as special to me as my kitty was. He helped me get through my loss. He is the love of my life now next to my husband:)

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I wasn't looking for a grey,in fact I wasn't looking for another bird at all. I was contacted by his "father"who was moving and wasn't able to take Gilbert with him. I wasn't even sure what kind of relationship we'd have since our first hour together were really hard on both of us.

Gilbert has lived in our home for 9 days now and we're getting better everyday. He loves his scratches and asks for me to "tickle"him. It's still way to early for me to tell for sure how everything is going to work out,but now I'm confident in saything that first impressions really aren't as important as some would think

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I wanted an African Grey years ago but wasn't sure if I was ready. I went to Petco bought a Bird Fancy Magazine and saw the African Grey parrot. I did some research like I always do and thought that since my baby days are over *smiling* This will be my everlasting baby.


I always heard about the talking capability, how smart they are, and how gorgeous they are also too. Then I started to notice that there are more then just a "talking" bird. They are beautiful and complex beings just like us. They can be funny, exciting, loud, inqusitive, sensitive curious and most of all beautiful.


I have learned so much being here in The Grey Forums from everyone here. I have an amazing breeder who is also telling me the ins and outs. Making sure I am ready :) I am so excited that we are choosing to have an African Grey and I know in my heart we are all READY for this amazing ride!

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BaxtersMom wrote:

My story is a sad one. I had a cat for 12 years since she was a kitten and my whole world revolved around her. She got sick and diagnoses with Acute Kidney Failure. It was terminal:( . I knew I wouldn't get another cat again and decided that when she passed I would get a parrot. I seen some sun conures that I thought were beautiful and thought I would get one of them. My husband checked craigslists and found some conures and an African grey and right from the start I said I wanted him~the grey. We went and saw him that day, picked him up and took him home. Now he is my whole world. My kitty got somewhat better and actually lived another 8 or 9 months which was a miracle. I was very blessed to have her that extra time and it gave me enough time to say good bye to her. Baxter is just as special to me as my kitty was. He helped me get through my loss. He is the love of my life now next to my husband:)


Erika you made me cry{Feel-bad-0002006A} That was such a beautiful story and they and we are so blessed to have you here! I am so glad that Baxter was your saving grace. Even though your other baby is gone Baxter is the Guardian Angel that you needed right on time....

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Thank you. Miss Kitty was everything to me but having Baxter helped me transition through it and accept it. Not that he could take her place. I don't think of it like that. He is just my new love and has brought more happiness than I could have ever imagined. I am so lucky to have him. And Miss Kitty will always be with me in my heart:)

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I got Tyco about 1 1/2 years ago my daughter phoned me and said that she had gone to a after the bar closed party and while she was there she heard some noises comeing from a back room and asked what it was. and the guy who lived there said it just a stupid bird that my ex girlfriend left her when she went back home a year ago, My daughter asked if she could see him. So the took her into this little room and there was Tyco in a cocateil size cage that had poop caked on it 3 inches thick with a heavy wool horse blanket covering her afew seeds and some dirty water. Well the next day my daughter phoned me and told me about this bird so I told her to take me there. So we went there and the guy was smoking crack and the house just reeked. Anyway I asked if he wanted to sell his bird and he said sure got 800. dollars well I didn't I had 300. I said well mabie can I see the bird it was 3:00 pm and he took me to see the bird and the bird still had this dirty horse blanket covering it. I asked why the bird was covered up his answer was it makes to much noise its just a stupid bird. any way I took the blanket of and Tyco saw me she started pacing back and forth and streaching towards me so I opened the cage and Tyco came out and stepped up onto my arm The guy was totally shocked he said that bird is mean and bites everyone how did you do that. Tyco let me rub her beak and even kiss her beak. and of coarse I was in love and had to get that poor bird out of there I ask way there was so much poop on her cage don't you ever clean the bird. He sai what for its a stupid bird that bites me. My ex girlfriend left it here when she went to Ontario last year. I said to him that I had 300. dollars I'll give you the rest by the next weekend he said fine the bird seems to like you anyway. So I went home crying like a baby because I had to leave her there. I got on the phone and phined everyone I kew to borrow money to save this poor bird after four days I had 400. dollars together and had run out of people to ask. So I went back to the house and said listen All I could get was another 400 will you take 700 and he was sick and needed some crack I guess so he said sure just get it out of here. I went to get her and sure enough still covered up. so I grabbed the cage and under it was a peice of paper it was her hatch certificate. So I took her home and the rest is history.

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I love Tyco's storie. What an amazing rescue. I hate to think that there are probebly still parrots out there unloved and uncared for. My story is like Baxter's mom's story. I had a bad year. My father was in and out of hospitals and then finally in a nursing home he died at age 99 and 11mos. Another month and he would have been 100, so he had a good life. While this was happening my little mixed terrier Oliver was diagnosed with Cushings disease and developed macular degeneration and went completely blind and also began having small seizures. He lived another year, but he had a really rough year. Two weeks after my father died, my mother fell down my sisters basement steps, and after that hospital stay, became very sick and returned to the hospital. I thought she was dying, but she recovered. While she was in the hospital I needed to feel better about life in general so, on the way home from the hospital, I stopped at the pet store and there was Tobie. I know now how well some owners research this life altering decision, but I just bought and read a little book they had in the store about African Greys and came in two days later with money in hand.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/03/28 19:37

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Tycos_mom wrote:

I got Tyco about 1 1/2 years ago my daughter phoned me and said that she had gone to a after the bar closed party and while she was there she heard some noises comeing from a back room and asked what it was. and the guy who lived there said it just a stupid bird that my ex girlfriend left her when she went back home a year ago, My daughter asked if she could see him. So the took her into this little room and there was Tyco in a cocateil size cage that had poop caked on it 3 inches thick with a heavy wool horse blanket covering her afew seeds and some dirty water. Well the next day my daughter phoned me and told me about this bird so I told her to take me there. So we went there and the guy was smoking crack and the house just reeked. Anyway I asked if he wanted to sell his bird and he said sure got 800. dollars well I didn't I had 300. I said well mabie can I see the bird it was 3:00 pm and he took me to see the bird and the bird still had this dirty horse blanket covering it. I asked why the bird was covered up his answer was it makes to much noise its just a stupid bird. any way I took the blanket of and Tyco saw me she started pacing back and forth and streaching towards me so I opened the cage and Tyco came out and stepped up onto my arm The guy was totally shocked he said that bird is mean and bites everyone how did you do that. Tyco let me rub her beak and even kiss her beak. and of coarse I was in love and had to get that poor bird out of there I ask way there was so much poop on her cage don't you ever clean the bird. He sai what for its a stupid bird that bites me. My ex girlfriend left it here when she went to Ontario last year. I said to him that I had 300. dollars I'll give you the rest by the next weekend he said fine the bird seems to like you anyway. So I went home crying like a baby because I had to leave her there. I got on the phone and phined everyone I kew to borrow money to save this poor bird after four days I had 400. dollars together and had run out of people to ask. So I went back to the house and said listen All I could get was another 400 will you take 700 and he was sick and needed some crack I guess so he said sure just get it out of here. I went to get her and sure enough still covered up. so I grabbed the cage and under it was a peice of paper it was her hatch certificate. So I took her home and the rest is history.


OMG Pat BRAVO to you!!!!!!! YOU are a real life hero all I can say is wow! I know Tyco is soo happy to have you as his mama.

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I work from home now, my kids are grown up, our cat died, and I often feel lonely throughout the day.


Thinking of a companion bird, I did a lot of research on parrots in general and greys in particular. I've written a lot about this on my blog (see link below).


Once I made up my mind to get a Grey, my daughter and I drove down to Los Angeles to see one at a pet store owned by the breeder. I walked in, and in the instant I inquired about the Grey, I heard the sharp loud ring of a telephone. I looked up, saw Shanti standing on top of a small cage behind the cash register, and asked in astonishment, "Was that him?" The sales clerk said, "Yes," and I replied, "That's fantastic. I'll take him."


Crazy, I know, but it's all worked out greyt! Shanti enriches my life every single day.

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DavidH wrote:

I work from home now, my kids are grown up, our cat died, and I often feel lonely throughout the day.


Thinking of a companion bird, I did a lot of research on parrots in general and greys in particular. I've written a lot about this on my blog (see link below).


Once I made up my mind to get a Grey, my daughter and I drove down to Los Angeles to see one at a pet store owned by the breeder. I walked in, and in the instant I inquired about the Grey, I heard the sharp loud ring of a telephone. I looked up, saw Shanti standing on top of a small cage behind the cash register, and asked in astonishment, "Was that him?" The sales clerk said, "Yes," and I replied, "That's fantastic. I'll take him."


Crazy, I know, but it's all worked out greyt! Shanti enriches my life every single day.



Sounds like Kismet!

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DavidH wrote:

I work from home now, my kids are grown up, our cat died, and I often feel lonely throughout the day.


Thinking of a companion bird, I did a lot of research on parrots in general and greys in particular. I've written a lot about this on my blog (see link below).


Once I made up my mind to get a Grey, my daughter and I drove down to Los Angeles to see one at a pet store owned by the breeder. I walked in, and in the instant I inquired about the Grey, I heard the sharp loud ring of a telephone. I looked up, saw Shanti standing on top of a small cage behind the cash register, and asked in astonishment, "Was that him?" The sales clerk said, "Yes," and I replied, "That's fantastic. I'll take him."


Crazy, I know, but it's all worked out greyt! Shanti enriches my life every single day.



Awww how amazing I know that you have enriched her life as well Dave what a great story too!

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I had always wanted an AG. I don't know what it was that intrieged me so much but as a kid I was never able to aford one. I have had love birds and cockatiels in the past.


In July of last year I was over at a friends house 'cause another fried was back to visit for a few weeks (she move to washington). Of course there where many people there and one of them was a friend of hers that rescues and rehomes all kinds of animals.


That day she had a baby grey, she was still hand feeding, that she had gotten from a breeder 'cause he was unable to sell her. She let me hold the baby and I fell in love.


She said she was trying to find someone that was willing to love a grey that was mising most of her toes and that the bird liked. When I held her that day I had never had a bird take to me like that. she made a loud shreek when the lady came and got her to feed her.


This lady told me if I was willing to give her a good home that after she was weened that I could have her. I went and visited her a couple times and played with her. at the end of august I was a new parent.


She has changed my life. I definantly eat better and she is a joy to have around.

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