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Balance issues and climbing

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Hello all. I really appreciate all the wonderful support and advice I have received on this site. You guys got me through the terrible loss of my Rubes and have helped me so much already with the new little guy, Ganesha. "Nesh" doesn't have any tail or side wings so his balance is pretty off most of the time. He seems very reluctant to climb up onto anything that is not completely stable and round to the foot. If something has any kind of sway, like the rope climb in my tub so he can shower with me, or something too smooth like manzanita branches, he is unfortable and complains when I try to have him step up to those things or won't leave my hand at all. He also has the biggest feet I have ever seen in a Grey. His toes are so long I had to change all the perches to be really large branches or wide poles for him to be comfortable. Do you think he will get better with stepping up to different surfaces over time? His is going on a year old we think in April.

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Poor little Nesh. :(


He may or may not improve over time. What he needs from you is alot of love, patience, and acceptance . What I would recommend is purchasing some stable rope perches for him to use. This may help him build his confidence and balance because they are easier to grip. Also on perches with slippery surfaces I would wrap vet wrap to give him a better grip. If possible try to purchase perches of various widths so that he can exercise his toe muscles. I also would like to suggest trying not to make him more stressed and uncomfortable than he already is with his situation. Here are a few links where you can purchase some of the stuff that I have mentioned.











Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/28 01:01<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/28 01:22

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Thanks for the advice. I don't push the issue with him and he is improving some but he just doesn't seem to grab on like my older Grey did. I guess that is developed over time and usage. He will climb up the hard wood A frame stand I have in my living room which has narrow dowels at various heights on the way up, even though it is higher than anything in or on his cage but won't step over to the smooth natural branch perch I added to the side of the stand to give him an additional foothold. He seems unsure of surfaces and thickness. He is not much of a shoulder sitter either.


Thanks for the website. I will look into that. My older Grey used to perch on a wicker basket handle but this little guy more often wants to shred it instead. He is learning to ride on the basket in the car and at my yoga studio on his stand, then all of a sudden he just tears it to shreds. It is fun learning to raise a young Grey. I got Rubes when she was already five so this is my first experience with a baby. I never realized that you have to teach them all that from the start.

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