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Barking wars


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Ash is our 6 month CAG. Artie is our 1 year old pug.


Artie doesn't bark unless he hears other dogs. He's pretty much ignored Ash's chirps, squawks and whistles. However, last night... Ash started making barking noises.


Artie immediately started barking back. All of sudden, there was a barking war between Ash and Artie! :lol:


My question now is... what should I do? Should I encourage Ash to bark? (if yes... how?) Should I discourage Artie to stop?


Ash is in the very early stages of building sounds... so I want to encourage her... without driving myself crazy down the road.

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OH boy... I better get the ear plugs ready!!


The funny thing is that I think Ash KNOWS she's tormenting the pug. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}


What a bully!!!


Also... she's starting to make new noises... how do I encourage her or nurture it?

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I love the fact that your bird is communicating in doggy language with Artie. I don't think you have a prayer of stopping it unless Artie stops barking. Soon Ashe will reallize that he is one up on Artie in that not only can he communicate in dog, but he can speek human as well. Then he'll be bossing the dog around "Artie stop that, artie go out side, etc." Keep us posted. When it happens, keep in mind, I'm not psycic. I just own a grey.

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Oh No!! Ash thinks he's a Dog!! ;-)


Sounds like something you really need to make a video of before that moment in time passes on. :-)


Now that he is putting your Dog in his place, he will soon start verbally ordering you around. ;-)

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