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I have Found a New Breeder! And videos too


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*Doing a happy dance* {Emotions-000200BE}

I promised Judy and Baxtersmom updates! I have been in communication with our new breeders mommy all day and off and on last night, Even though where 3 hours different lol. Everytime my blackberry would chime (new emails messages) I would wake up and start sending replies on my phone lol.


I have a Video of our baby now he/she is with there siblings. She has three of them and we will get the DNA back in about 2 weeks she's waiting on there toenails to grow a little bit more.


Here is the video with all three of them 2 toes is the baby on the left, Lil girl is in the Middle and I am pushing for Skeksi on the right he's the biggest one at 100 grams more then his one day sibling already! And she said he is the most cuddliest one and very alert.



Tina believes in them being Fully Fledged before clipping wings, she trains them to step up, she towels them so they can be used to having there toenails done in the towel, She holds them and kisses the babies, her mom dad and teen age daughter are there to hold the babies too. They are weaned onto pellets, fruits vegies, sprouts and some seed. She also introduces them to Harnesses while they are small so they can get used to them and won't be afraid when they get older.


Here is Skeksi who I think I may want



I am on cloud nine right now. She will email me some individual pictures today as well as some videos too!



Thank You Everyone who has been supportive and been just wonderful people all around! This is the BEST place to be at! {Love-0002011E}





Post edited by: Msvoluptous, at: 2009/03/27 12:43<br><br>Post edited by: Msvoluptous, at: 2009/03/27 12:47

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Oh I want one, those are so adorable and watching them move and react is so much better than just still pictures, congrats on finding another breeder and keeping us informed.


Oh and I want the one you want:whistle: thanks for sharing these with us Carol, now I am excited along with you, can't wait for more pics.

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OMG!!! They are all adorable. You definately hit the jackpot with the breeder there. I am so glad for you that you have found a breeder that will keep you updated and understand how important communication is. With all she is doing to get them ready for their new homes they will so well adjusted. It is great she is getting them eating all different kinds of foods, too. I loved the videos. Makes me want a baby grey.

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This breeder sounds so much better than the first one! Sounds like she is taking care of them just like they were one of her very own and that really is the way it should be.


I am so happy for you and am crossing my fingers that this one is the real deal.


Skekski looks wonderfully calm and if the breeder is as great as she sounds you're going to have a healthy, confident and self assured baby. (kind of like my Emma:) . . I hope you'll be able to see them soon and see if you feel the same connection in person.


Videos are a great start.. but touching and holding them will really speak to your heart and you'll be able to feel if the parrot is as comfortable with you also.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/27 17:17

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I would strongly advise you to not let the breeder clip the wings when the bird is fully weaned.

Fledging is the age when a bird has the wings necessary to start learning how to fly and learn that it's a bird. Fledging doesn't mean that the wings are ready to clip. The next step for a bird is exercise, coordination, muscle strength.If you deny a bird from doing that, the bird will never develop strong muscles that are needed in order to have coordination and proper balance and flying ability. A bird shouldn't be clipped until it's at least 7 mts or older if it needs to be clipped at all which I don't agree with. Clipping is done by many breeders before the bird is fully developed just so the customer can go home with a bird that has no abilities to learn how to be a bird.

There's sad stories here and on other boards concerniong bad clips, short clips, lack of muscle strength, inability to stay level, falling off a cage or playstand, seriously injuring breast bones. Clipping may not allow a bird to develop a good strong independent attitude which is important for greys because of their natural personality. The bird needs to know it's a bird and needs to learn it's abililities even if it's an inconvenience to the owner.

Breeders won't clip wings if a customer doesn't want it done.

An african grey parrot as well as other species of parrots are wild animals and will always remain wild animals even if they're kept as pets. They're totally different then domestic animals.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/27 18:36

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Congrats Carol on finding a baby grey you really are feeling!!!!! He is a sweetheart and it's great that the breeder is willing to see that you are very active in his every day activities!!!! Please do keep the pictures and videos coming--we love to watch the babies grow!!!!!

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Carol I hope you really do consider telling the breeder not to clip the baby's wings, Dave is so right about your baby being more confident and for their own well being. My Josey's wings were clipped before I brought her home and I regret it now as hers have not fully come in yet and she is close to being 3 years old. I don't think they were properly clipped and I didn't know any better at the time so I didn't try to prevent it but if I could do it over again I would not clip.


Dave knows what he is talking about as he has pet and breeder grays, he has lots more experience with this than I do and I trust him to tell me the truth.

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I'm so happy happy happy for you how old are the babies now? your breeder sounds wonderful and really seem like she trully wants only the best for her babies and not just in it for the money. I realize that the breeders must be very busy but I also think that they must take time everyday to update the new owners. sitting and wondering weather or not everything is going well is not fun.I'm so glad you found a breeder that is willing to take the time to update you I hope eveything works out for you this time.

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Wow look at all the love here! I just got off the hone with our breeder and she has sent me apicture of a baby I would love to have! I have to pick out names too :)



Dave I will ask if she dosen't clip his wings and we will have our Vet do it when he is older. Thank You for the expert advice.


OMG You all are sooo amazing and I wish I could respond to each and everyone on here!


Rapos this is her website:




She is so passionate about her babies it's so unreal. She screens her clients too. She has so much love, affection and attention for them. I just got off the phone with her 10 minutes ago she is so great!


Thank You everyone so much for the love, advice, cheers and support!





P.s I have a New Name now :D<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/03/27 23:54

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I have also asked my breeder not to clip our baby's wings this is what she told me:


"I don't clip Greys if they're lacking balance, and I let them fledge as long as possible, but! ..I'm glad you want to keep him with his wings longer. It will make him a more confident bird in the long run."


She is so amazing she also sent me a ton of pictures so I am going to post them too lol!


Thank You Judy and Dave for the awesome advice and for being so passionate about our baby birds. With the advice that everyone has given me here I know I am going to be a great Grey Mama {Love-000200BF}

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Congratulations Carol!! Though your still Mrs. V to me. ;-)


That is a great looking clutch there and they all look very healthy and well taken care of. Its wonderful your new breeder is so forth coming with videos, photos and emails. That will make you waiting experience much more pleasurable and you will have a photo and video journal of his/her growing from a baby to weaned. :-)

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