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CAG pulling out all feathers

Guest willow_2086

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Guest willow_2086

I have a CAG wich is only 10 months old and has been in great health and a wonderful pet since I got her as a baby. I had to make a sudden move and she has been pulling out feathers since. The book I read says sometimes if they have not had there first molt they can do this from November through Feburary.

I took her to an Avian vet and he says put a collar on her wich I didnt do. The breeder says NEVER use a collar but to give her vitamins. Has anyone had this happen? Any idea how to stop this?? Thanks!!!

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Guest Waldo

I've seen this spray in the pet shop which claims to stop a Grey plucking. I suspect it's nonsense, what chemicals are in it, is it toxic? I'm quite alarmed about it, it can't work can it?

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Guest willow_2086

I had the vet do the tests and the only thing he found was the bird showed a high protine level and he said he wasnt sure why it was high or what it meant.

He has not called back yet with an answer. He says the bird is plucking due to stress and use a collar. I asked the breeder and she says alot of times a collar will add even more stress to the bird because they cant preen and do the things a bird would normally do and after a few days of the bird not being able to preen and clean them self it can cause the bird to go on a massive plucking spree when the collar is removed. She said she had never seen a collar work for feather plucking. I feel no mater what choice I make it is wrong.

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Guest willow_2086

I thought I mentioned that it was an avian vet I took her to. She is eating roudy bush mixed with Harrisons organic. He says stress due to the sudden move.

She didnt start till I moved. I do work but someone is always here with her. I do smoke outside and always wash my hands after i smoke. She gets 8-10 hrs of sleep a night.

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Guest Miandruil

I'm glad Cyndr doesn't pull out his feathers. We have had much change around the house in the last month. Had 14 "strange" people stay at the house on vacation for two weeks, many different nurses, care givers and social workers in the house when I'm not home, we've moved furniture around in the house, and he takes this all in stride. He greets every "stranger" with hello buddy and continues to talk to them and whistle and play like nothing is out of the ordinary. The person needing all this care is in the room right next to him and he can see everything that goes on. I was worried when we went on vacation and left him at our avian vet for two weeks. A grey in the cage next to him started to pull out his feathers. Didn't phase Cyndr at all. All this after a very quiet home with just two of us and him and "his" dogs. I don't have a clue what we are doing right but he seems very content with any surroundings. Makes me wonder if plucking is due to change in surroundings or change in diet or maybe he's just plain vain. (doesn't want to be bald?) He's been through it all. He does get lots and lots of attention and love. His newest phrase during a visit with the nurse in the house? "Get me a beer!" LOL Ya gotta love em.

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Guest SkullCrusher

Take the book and the breeder and toss them both in the trash can like right now!

Slap a collar on to prevent any more plucking/mutilating. Go back to the vet and have him/her run tests to rule out anything physical (like giardia, parasites, skin disorders, etc. etc). If the bird checks out clear, then evaluate the current living condition and whatever changes you made. Without knowledge and details of the situation is hard to say do this or that. But have the bird checked out by a qualified vet asap.

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