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Is Bleach safe or not


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After getting Baxter I started mainly cleaning with vinegar and water but I do miss the bleach. Since then I have read several post about people using bleach on the cages to clean and disinfect and I've also heard others say as long as bleach is put into very warm water it is not harmful anymore. I just mopped my floor with bleach and hot water and now I am worried that I shouldn't have. Does anyone know if it's safe or not? I would love to be able to use bleach but won't if it's not safe. I just keep getting conflicting info on it.

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Just like any cleaner that has an odor, it needs to completely dry and you've gotta wait until the smell goes away. Even people who use straight vinegar find that the smell is too strong so they wait until the odor leaves. Bleach will take much longer as far as odor disappearing.


If it was me, I wouldn't put bleach diluted or undiluted on or in a cage.

Wasghing a floor with bleach and water is fine as long as your bird doesn't smell it and it's in an area where he won't be able to smell it.


Personally, I believe it's extremely unsafe and I wouldn't do it. Bleach is extremely harsh. I'm a better safe than sorry kinda guy.

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Ok, thanks Dave. I haven't used it on the cage but I did wash the floor with it today. I won't do it anymore because the are in the living room and that is next to the kitchen. I had the windows open but I'm sure they could still smell. That's what I wanted to know. Thanks again.:)

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That's why I had to ask one more time. I've through some posts and some say it is ok to use, others say definately not. I haven't used bleach to clean with since I got Baxter but seen others did so I thought I would clean the kitchen floor with it. As soon as I was finished I started worrying about it. The birds all seemed fine. It wasn't very strong but I'd rather be safe than sorry too and won't be using the bleach anymore. I'm glad I asked. Thanks everyone. :)

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Okay maybe I am going to get pilloried for this, but one of the first books on greys that I read before I got Maxi recommended a 1:10 diluted bleach solution(i.e.: 1 part bleach, 10 parts water) for cage cleaning, and that is what I have ALWAYS used on both my birds' cages! (I think it might have Nikki Moustaki's book...) I have seen no ill effects whatsoever on either bird. Guess I am going to ask my avian vet about it now.

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Thanks LindaMary for putting that in there. I too have read that it is safe from what seemed credible sources as long as it was diluted but was too scared to use it. :ohmy: untill yesterday but then my fears set back in right away and posted this question. If you ask your vet, please let us know what s/he says.


I don't know what garbage enzymes are either:huh:<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/03/27 15:27

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Yes it is a good topic and will probably be a controversal one as well:whistle: I've just read so many different opinions and wanted to get to the bottom of it. Even if everyone does not agree on it atleast it is being brought to all our attention and we will be to make more informed decisions. I want to be able to use bleach so bad but theres that little voice in my head saying "not safe, not safe" that I can't seem to shake:unsure:

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Bleach and bleach fumes are highly toxic to humans, never mind birds! I don't care how much you dilute it, or let it dry, or rinse it. It's still a HARSH chemical!


With so many other safe products out there, why would anyone even take the risk of killing their birds. We all know how sensitive their lungs are.


This is MY opinion, just like Teflon, I WOULDN'T take the risk, especially when I can clean just as well with other natural products less harmful to both humans and birds.

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I am also scared to use bleach products near the birds. I always think to myself if I can smell it even a tiny bit then it will have a bigger impact on our birds because of how their respitory system works and is so sensitive and efficient at taking on board oxygen.


I use an avi safe product on the cage and for my floors etc I use another product which is a natural product made form trees.

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Well, I just got a call back from my vet, and he says he would recommend one ounce of bleach to a gallon of water - so VERY much more dilute than what I have been using. Obviously I will be changing strategies, starting with my cage-cleaning tonight.


I wouldn't be surprised, tho, to hear that other peoples' vets might have a different recommendation, in either direction. Just the little bit of time I've spent looking at things on the web today was enough to illustrate to me that there are opinions all OVER the map out there. (For example, there are several sites that argue that vinegar is simply not an adequate disinfectant for bird cages.) One other alternative to vinegar that looks interesting to me is grapefruit seed extract (again - very dilute). Is anyone using that here?


Thanks Erika for shining a spotlight on this subject. I'm still not sure exactly what I'm going to do going forward, but I'm glad to have been shown the degree of controversy that still exists here. And I know at least Mary and I will both be happy to have less bleach around the house.... B)

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I too was a bleach lover and I miss it. I don't use it on the floors any more as that is a large area and so would create a lot of fumes.


Occasionally I will use a SMALL amount in the kitchen sink but only if Whisper is in her room on the other side of the house. If I need to disinfect anything large I take it outside and dilute 1:10 and rinse thoroughly.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/30 02:05

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