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Hi everybody, I am new here this is my first contact.

My African Grey is Ben, She [ahem, just found out]is 3 years old and full of cheek, he sorry she can talk her head off and copy all the sounds in our home.

I dont know what else to say but.


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Hello Supernova and welcome to the forum! So glad you could join! How long have you had Ben? So you just found out Ben is really a girl? lol thats too funny, Are you going to keep the name? Theres people on here that have females with males name and vice versa so don't feel bad lol. So what kind of things does Ben say? She is a very pretty bird in your profile pic.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/26 21:24

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Hello Supernova and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Ben.


So I guess she got named before you found out she was a she, omg, oh well Ben is a good name, gives you something to talk about.


So she is talking her head off huh, what kinds of phrases and words does she say?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions if you have any and we will help you in any way we can.


Would love to see some more pictures of Ben if you would share some with us.

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Wow! wot a quick reply.

Ben, SHE, can say Hello when ever I come in the morning Goodbye when ever I go to work and Night Night at bedtime also makes phone calls, cookoo clock, coughs, sneezes, berps, beeps that needs explaining,

creekey doors, light switches, dog barks, cat meeows [we have both], And lots more, also the USA national Anthum, and the tune to Laurl & Hardy, And she Bites the Mother in law which is OK with me.

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Hello Supernova and Ben. I can see you have a great sense of humor by stating she bites the mother in law and that is fine by you:laugh:

Welcome to the forum. This is a wonderful place to chat and ask questions about your grey if you ever have any. Ben is one nice looking grey. I think Ben is just fine for a female too. They will definately keep you amused with all the sound effects and words they mimick. I never get tired of hearing my flock make their noises...well most of the time I don't.;)

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Thanks everybody, I am going to like it here, I have some questions but I can ask later.

Ben is a great friend to me, She is devoted to me and I love her to bits.

It may take me time to get to grips with this forum and the layout because I am dyslexic but I am sure Ben will help me hehe.

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Hi Supernova and Ben, welcome to the family!!!! As for the name Ben, it could stand for Benetta which is Latin and means "the blessed" or Benita which is also Latin and means "blessed." Just an idea for what Ben could stand for when the curious ask!!! So glad you decided to join the family!!!!

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