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Why now, Dorian? (just need to vent!)


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Ok, I get seasonal, cluster, migraines in the spring, I have since I was about 10. So, of course, Dorian has chosen a new favourite sound effect and it's his most obnoxious sound ever. Even the cat has stopped hanging out downstairs! I'm doing all the stuff I know to do to extinguish this new obsession, I just needed some sympathy from others who know just how loud these little monkeys can be. Send some soothing thoughts my way:S

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Aww Marguerite I am so sorry you have a migraine, I know how devastating they can be as I used to suffer with them myself and Dorian is probably picking up on that too but don't let him know he is succeeding in irritating you. I hope you find some relief soon and in the meantime cut Dorian a little slack, he really loves you even though he may not be showing it right now.

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You have my sympathy.Those high pitch noises can really go through you, especially with migrain.Just do your best to ignore the noises and praise Dorian when making nice sounds. Hope you feel better soon.

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Calming peaceful sounds of gentle ocean waves slapping along the coast line coming your way Marguerite.


I don't know how they come up with some of the "Made Up" LOUD sounds they make. But when they "author" their own and put their signature on it. It always seems to be the loudest and most obnoxious noise you've heard.


Dayo has recently come up with a mixture that sounds like a fog horn and train horn put together and it's at a volume to match. :pinch:


So I feel for ya. But, the good news is those obnoxious sounds do go away at some point. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/26 15:34

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oh dan i am trying to imagine that sound but in doing so began to chuckle.


well up here in the aviary/office any chuckling is met by miss milly's laughing which is infectious. she laughs at me, i laugh at her, and on and on it goes far beyond what originally amused me.


merlin gives us both that beady fish-eye till we settle down.

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