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I'm looking for a vasa parrot


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ok I know you think i'm off subject but not really. I miss my CAGs their in the breeding box and I can't play. So I saw a Vasa Parot at a local pet store and I fell in love but I don't want to pay $2000. for one. does anyone know of one for sale.

Sharon NH

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I have never heard of a Vasa Parrot. I'll have to do some research and find out about them. What can you tell us about it? :dry:


Okay, just looked it up. Looks like a very cute parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/12 03:01

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Sharon so soon after getting your male-Grey? How's it going with him and your female-Grey btw? Are they completely used to eachother now?


OMG :P I just saw a photo of a Vasa Parrot on google that's in her breeding period (with a bald head :laugh: ) that's sooooo cute!


I've seen ads for Vasa Parrots on the internet going for $950, isn't $2000 a bit much?

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Yes, $2100 is a ridicules amount. That's what they want at the local pet store for the one they have. In saying that, the one they have is a character with ADHD ++++. I love him but the price is way out of my reach $900 is a good price for them.


Oh my wonderful female CAG Sukie had a fight with her new partner. He wouldn't let her up on the top perches so for weeks she walked around on the bottom of the cage looking up calling him a A--H-- fill in the blanks, over and over again it was a riot, ( I don't know where she got that phrase) I have them in a separate room with security cameras on them and upped the volume,all my female friends came over and we cheered her on from the other room watching them on the monitor.

Then he raped her, I could tell she came out of the nest box all shaking and scared and wasn't calling him names any more. They finally made up, although it was very hard on all of us watching how cruel things can be but all and all it works out.


So now I have to leave them alone and cut the apron string, my little girl has grown up and I'm lonely and wanting a Vasa. I will not breed, this one I just want one as a pet to great me in the morning and help me keep my husband and line.


So when you ever see a Vasa on the Internet email me and let me know.



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Guest Monique

That's the first time I saw a Vasa parrot, too. Very cute!!! :)


Always beware of the Bird Bug. I don't know how people end up with 10, 20, 30 birds but it happens!!!!!! I'm only half joking! :)

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The bird bug, is that when you can't have enough birds????? OHG I think I have it. It seems you have to fill this hole and you just can't get enough of them. So if I take 2 asprin will it go away???? Or if i get this Vasa will it go away? hmmmm which one to choose???????


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Nope had a wonderful blue and gold Macaw and when he became older I found I was allergic to him, couldn't breathe, when I walked into the room my lungs would close up after a year of owning him. Unfortunately one doesn't know these thing till they happen. Macaw is the only parrot so far I found that I'm allergic to.


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