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I have changed my mind about my breeder.


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Hi everyone I know that some of you have been following me on the excitment of me getting my bird. I have sent an email to my breeder cancelling the transaction. *big sigh* I know you are saying " Why Carol?" well there have been some reasons and a nagging feeling that I have had in me.


1. I have sent emails off and on for the last few days and I don't get a response unless I call. I figured why should I have to track my breeder down if I am giving them my money?


2. At times when we talk about the bird it drifts off to another conversation about off topic things. Am I being mean? No I don't think so I would like to talk about how is the bird doing? When will he/she be sexed? etc...


3.They were going to send my bird home on ONE feeding at night.I am not experienced to handfed a baby bird. I don't feel comfortable with that at all.


4. I asked will the babies go to the vet and she said "No".


5. I was promised pictures LAST Sat and have not seen any yet.


I think the biggest thing for me was that the website was outdated and I probably should have asked for references(sp). I know that life takes it toll and you can't be online 24/7 but my thing is to have COMMUNICATION. Especially with online breeders you have to have a form of communication via email or phone and you need to have a lifetime bond.


I purchased my dog online and he is the best thing ever! His breeder was to the point but she always always had updated pictures and answered my questions.


I am sorry for being longwinded but sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling and I would rather go with my gut now thn have a heartache later on...:dry:


Carol<br><br>Post edited by: Msvoluptous, at: 2009/03/26 02:00

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I don't blame you at all for backing out. If I am going to dish out a lot of $$$ I definately want communication and would think they wouldn't have a problem with regular updates. If they are already blowing you off and avoiding questions perhaps that is the way they raise theeir babies too. And God forbid if something was to happen to your baby, they don't sound like they would be of any help at all. I'm with you on this one. Gut feelings are usually right. Are you going to be searching for another breeder? Are there any breeders near you where you can go visit the baby as it gets ready. I am not sure but don't think it is unusuall for a baby to be sent home on one feeding though.


Keep us posted on what you are going to do. I'm sure you made the right decision.

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So what have you decided to do now get a bird else where or not get one at all. My breeder has 4 clutches right now and I think some will be ready to go in a couple of weeks If you live in Canada I can give you his phone number. He sells his bird fully weaned for 1200. He will not sell anyone an unweaned baby unless they can provide proof that they are experiance hand feeders.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I don't blame you at all for backing out. If I am going to dish out a lot of $$$ I definately want communication and would think they wouldn't have a problem with regular updates. If they are already blowing you off and avoiding questions perhaps that is the way they raise theeir babies too. And God forbid if something was to happen to your baby, they don't sound like they would be of any help at all. I'm with you on this one. Gut feelings are usually right. Are you going to be searching for another breeder? Are there any breeders near you where you can go visit the baby as it gets ready. I am not sure but don't think it is unusuall for a baby to be sent home on one feeding though.


Keep us posted on what you are going to do. I'm sure you made the right decision.


Aww Thank YOU! I sent them 450 already on the baby but they said they would either use it as a credit or I can use it on purchases from there store. You are abosultely right about alot of things! I just know that in my heart I don't feel right.


I sent them an email yesterday about how I was feeling and have NOT heard from them! I know that her husbands mama is sick and all and mines it too BUT that should NOT deter from your business. I hope im not sounding rude BUT you can still UPDATE pictures, respond to emails and COMMUNICATE with someone who has already sent you money.


So off I go now to find another breeder BUT one who can communicate and ONE who I will DEFINATELY get referrals from!


Thank You Baxtersmom for understanding how I feel (((HUGZ)))



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Tycos_mom wrote:

So what have you decided to do now get a bird else where or not get one at all. My breeder has 4 clutches right now and I think some will be ready to go in a couple of weeks If you live in Canada I can give you his phone number. He sells his bird fully weaned for 1200. He will not sell anyone an unweaned baby unless they can provide proof that they are experiance hand feeders.


Damn I live in the states! I have a complete bird everything lol. I have a cage, books, toys, air purifier, stanless steel cookware everything. Thank You though :-)

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I am one of these "gut feeling people" so if you are not comfortable with what you hear and feel then you have to do what your heart tells you is right. I believe that true "bird people" or "dog people" are long-winded about their animals. I had to wait 2 months for my Ana Grey and I spoke to my breeder weekly, we spoke 30 minutes to an hour such time. She even called me if she had anything funny or cute to tell me about her babies. She knew them individually and could ramble on about each one, even gave them all nicknames. She and I still talk. So do what you feel is right. So have you found any new breeders to look into or have you decided to re-home a grey?? Come on Carol, don't keep us in suspense!!! Can't wait to hear what you have decided to do!!!

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Sorry to hear this Carol.Sometimes gut reaction is the best.My tiel came to me very young and at the time I was told he was weaned,he was not.I had no experian ce of hand feeding and what followed was 3-4 very traumatic weeks.Thank God all turned out well for Cracker and he is now a very lively 2 year old.I would agree with you being unsure about feeding,I feel its best left to experts.I am sure you will find another grey soon.

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LuvParrot- Now you know I can't give up just yet;) ! lol I am in of a breeder and will definately do some more homework!



She- Aww I am glad that your baby turned out amazing :) I just have that "feeling" and it don't feel right!


Thank You Ladies for supporting me. I just want ALL of us to be here for the long haul.

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lovethatgrey wrote:

Sorry Carol, what a bummer that is. It sounds liked you did the right thing to trust your gut. Some say it's God's way of telling you something isn't right.


:) The right Grey will come around at the right time.


I totally agree with you Lovethatgrey. Something just couldn't shake that feeling I had. I am asking questions now to a potential breeder. I just want everything to be and feel RIGHT :) Thank You



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I support you and your "gut" feeling. Good girl. Wasn't there just someone on here the other day wanting to sell their grey because they don't have the time due to illness? They were in Ohio? Pretty close Carol......;)

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I'm brand new here,so please excuse me for just butting in.

I know an amazing breeder in AZ that breeds Congos,she has a waiting list,but her babies are worth it. They are oober socialized,abundance weaned,flightsuit trained. Just all around amazing birds,if you like I can give you her website to see

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Carol I am sorry to hear you have changed your mind on this particular grey but you have to go with your gut instinct and if you don't feel this is the right one then it was not meant to be. I know you will find that one that is meant for you so good luck to you and I know you will keep us informed all the way.

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judygram wrote:

Carol I am sorry to hear you have changed your mind on this particular grey but you have to go with your gut instinct and if you don't feel this is the right one then it was not meant to be. I know you will find that one that is meant for you so good luck to you and I know you will keep us informed all the way.


Aww Thank You Judy I will definately keep you all updated! The search begins.....

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No I'm afraid I don't. The ladies website is


I was all set to get a sennie baby from her,but then I got pregnant and decided not to get a baby at that time. I was on a local yahoo group with her and many people on that group had babies from her and they absolutely raved about them all the time<br><br>Post edited by: Parrotdise, at: 2009/03/26 02:19

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I think you're right to go with your gut. If I were you I'd use the $450 credit asap. I understand that life hits us all, but if they can't find the time to respond to you, even with a 'I can't talk right now but I'll call you within -- days' then you've got to worry the babies are also not getting the attention they need. Good luck with your search!

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Acappella wrote:

I think you're right to go with your gut. If I were you I'd use the $450 credit asap. I understand that life hits us all, but if they can't find the time to respond to you, even with a 'I can't talk right now but I'll call you within -- days' then you've got to worry the babies are also not getting the attention they need. Good luck with your search!


Wow I never thought about it that way Thank You Acapella. You are right too 1000%. I figured why should I have to keep sending email after email. When it was time to make a payment we had all the conversation in the world :unsure:


Thank You again!




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I am set to get my grey once weaned from a breeder in Ohio! They are VERY nice! They send e-mails with pictures and updates on your baby every week! Also if you have any questions they are happy to answer them. They are called In A Pickle Aviary. Here is the website if you want to check them out:


They were also featured in the 2009 Birds USA magazine!

Karma to you for going with your gut! You did what I think we all would have!<br><br>Post edited by: melissa44685, at: 2009/03/26 02:39

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melissa44685 wrote:

I am set to get my grey once weaned from a breeder in Ohio! They are VERY nice! They send e-mails with pictures and updates on your baby every week! Also if you have any questions they are happy to answer them. They are called In A Pickle Aviary. Here is the website if you want to check them out:


They were also featured in the 2009 Birds USA magazine!

Karma to you for going with your gut! You did what I think we all would have!<br><br>Post edited by: melissa44685, at: 2009/03/26 02:39


Aww Thank You Melissa I spoke to Jeani earlier lol she is sold out :( Even the babies that are still in eggs are reserved! She told me you never know if people will follow through with reservations. So I told her I will keep in contact. She is AWESOME about responding to emails!

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I don't know much about these birds, but if you go on you tube and you look up jrmno1 you will find that this lady is raising three baby greys and I don't think she has sold them all. You can contact her by leaving a private message on her you tube site. I love her videos. I think this is a rescue center. I know she seems very proficient at raising babys.



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