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Amazed, and now in love with my Grey.


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For those that read my prior post, I brought home a 12 year old CAG home about two weeks ago. Tonight I had a moment of insight into this amazing creature, and fell in love with her for life...


A little background to the situation. I think at her old home, she must have seen a lot of cop movies or TV shows. As to myself, I am a police officer. A rather young one. I'm 23 years old, which is unusual in this line of work. Anyways... She was sitting in my room as I was getting changed into my uniform to go to work (which she has witnessed every day for two weeks now). In the middle of this, I received a phone call from dispatch that there was an emergency situation that would require special equipment (that I normally do not carry). I don't know whether she picked it up in my voice, or whether it was when she saw me pull out and load my assault rifle (first time she had seen it). But she said clear as day "What are you doing with that rookie?" I was utterly stunned. Not only did she pick up on the rifle, but obviously on the fact that I'm young for being a cop. :blink: I said to her "I have to go save lives". She then gave some kind of whistle, and said "Be careful out there." And as I put her in her cage and turned to leave, she said "Come home safe". I was shocked, and touched to the point that I had tears in my eyes.


I now love this bird with all of my heart, and will do so every day that I am fortunate enough to have her.

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  • 5 months later...

That so neat its wonderful when they get older and have learned to have real conversations with you rather than just hello and words I have a 10 yr old Amazon that talks to me all the time about different thing she's my best friend by far. She always ask me where I'm going. don't be late. At home she asks for thing by name and always says please. like comen play with me please. or can I have a nut please. they are very amazing creatures and the older they get the wiser they get you have a lot to look foward to with your new best friend enjoy every minate of it.



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Guest briansmum

that is a truely touching story, what a wonderful grey. i'm young too (21) and like jimmy i wanted someone to love forever no matter who walks in and out of my life, as well as other, more personal reasons. and that is a beautiful example of how amazing these creatures are.

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