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Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking her for over a year and finally signed up. I want to thank each and everyone of you. I have read many books and visted a lot of websites and without a doubt this is the best resource of all!

Storm is my baby. she is a cag. got her from a local breeder at about 3 months. She has been a joy. She said a few words but didnt really start talking to about a year. now i cant get her to shut up.

I work at home. A few weeks ago i was cleaning the cage while i was working. she wouldnt shut up. kept saying "want water". Yup i had forget to give her water!. I brought it over and she immediately took a drink so she wasnt just mimicing.

This morning she took a key off my keyboard so i "punished" her by putting her in her cage for a fe minutes. as i closed the door she said "your a jerk" followed by "I'm gonna kick your butt!". Kids now a days i tell you, I blame it on the parents :P

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What a very interesting first post. I loved it!!!! Storm sounds like a real firecracker and certainly has an interesting vocabulary. I like your avatar and can't wait to hear more about Storm and see some pictures of Storm in action if you have any to share. Welcome to the family!

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Hello Storm and welcome to the family, so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


Won't shut up huh, I hear ya, usually when they get to talking they think they are the center of attention and the world revolves around them, hey, come to think of it the world does doesn't it, they certainly rule.


She was spot on with her comments after pulling off one of your keys and others have seen that comprehension that they have for knowing what they are talking about, we don't give them enough credit.


So if you have been lurking for over a year then you probably have already read everything but if not please do read thru the many threads for you will find lots of useful information, do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Now if you would be so kind to share some pictures of Storm with us, we love looking at pics here if you hadn't already figured that out:whistle: :laugh:

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Welcome Storm2007 and Storm!!


He sounds like a real character and yes, they are smarter than a whip.


Thanks for the morning laugh!! :-)


Looking forward to hearing much more of Storms antics and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Hi Storm, nice to have you here. This forum is a lovely place and whats really special about it is that you get personal experience of all family members. They are sincere and they really care and you really feel their concern



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Nice to meet you Storm, glad you decided to join all the fun! You can certainly learn a lot just from lurking on this site but you might as well join in and become a part of our flock. I can't wait to hear more about Storm's antics. :)

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