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Introducing New Toys


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Hey everyone

Its has been a long time since I have posted . Hope everyone is doing well. I'm having a small problem with my Youngest African Grey. Barnsey Just turned 2 yrs old March 13. And it seems that he has developed a fear of new Toys. I have never had a bird that was fearful of new toys so I'm looking for a little advice if anyone can help it would great.


Cherry and the fids

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I think there are alot of Greys that are fearful or catious of new toys. You could try putting the toys close to his cage but not on or in his cage then evry day play with the toy in front of him and pretend its the funest thing in the world and move it a little closer then in a few day attach it to the outside of his cage and when he starts to show intrest init then you can move it to the inside. Tyco sometime acts a little hesitiant but not really scared so I put the new toys on her play top and it usually only takes about an hour or so for her to go check it out. most of the time she's pretty good about excepting any new toy but she does have her moments when she's a little nervous.

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Many Greys are definately cautious of new toys or other items and must be introduced slowly to them.


On average my Grey takes 3 to 7 days to even think about getting close to a new toy.


Just take it slow since you know your Grey is cautious of them.

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I wear new toys as jewelry accessories. :P You can make a necklace and hang the toy or dangle from your belt loops.


I usually enter the room with it already on. I go about my usual business. Every once in a while, I'll get really excited and play with it and have a jolly time.


It used to take a few hours. Now it's almost instantaneous... right when she see's it, she wants it. Sometimes I'll even tease her and not let her have it. The suspense drives her crazy, and when she finally gets it, it's like a small victory for her.

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It has been a jeaslosy war between rexxy and the dog. Our dog Sadie loves the smell of bags from the pet store and it gets Rexxy attention now.


So as soon as the Dog smells it, Rexxy is squaking at her and wants that toy right away.


But we found out it works the other way too. Rexxy wants the toy Sadie has. He dropps to the floor and runs over there. Getting all of us up as fast as we can to get the toy from them.

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