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Hi Everyone !


It's been a while - bring on the warm weather so we can give our greys some FRESH AIR and SUN !! :)


Anyway ....I wanted to share this funny thing. My koko is just TOO hilarious these past few days !

I have had a really bad sinus head cold for the past 5 days and koko thought it would be funny to COPY my every sound. Coughing , Sneezing , and blowing my nose is all i hear him do now ! And he does it so perfectly !!


I still can't get him to stop his screaming though - i've tried EVERYTHING you all suggested - it's so bad now that he really hurts my ear drums. He makes me very angry and i really need it to stop asap !!


Take care everyone !!


Sarah :)

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Have you tried calling back to him mabie its a contact scream and he just want you to let him know your there mabie try a little whistle and see if he trys to answer back the same way. or try whispering to him when he's screaming he will have to be quiet to hear you. In the mean time you might try earplugs they work great. That story is cute they seem to be able to mimic the sillyest things don't they I hope you get well soon.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/03/24 20:16

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It's unusual for a grey to be a screamer, isn't it? Maybe it is his contact call. I like the idea of responding to him in a whisper. I used to lead junior choirs, and talking softly was effective when they were geting loud. I figure if it works for grades K - 4, it might work with a parrot! Let him see your mouth is moving so he knows you're speaking to him, then when he's quiet enough to hear you, make a sound that's more acceptable as a contact, maybe saying hello, something totally different sounding than his scream. If he repeats that sound let him see he's made you happy but don't get loud. You're really trying to re-set his volume control:lol: I've no idea if this will work, but we'll keep trying to help and offer suggestions until you get this solved. Hard to believe how much time we spend trying to figure out what's going on in their little grey heads


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