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more clutches?


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Well the breeder I was going to buy my baby from sold all the babies She was very nice though, she asked me first when she was down to one, I just havnt got all the money up yet. I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE she has more this year she said it was the 1st clutch of the year, and she has quite a few breeding pairs...So I think my chances are pretty good, But I am not expert, What do you all think? Think there will be more clutches this year if that was just the 1st? I know you can never know, but is it the typical to get more than one? espeacilly when you have like 14 breeding pairs?

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OH good! She says there will most likely be more, So if she even says so, then I think it will be good. I just cant wait! Its like uuuggghhhh, I HATE WAITING! haha My hubby finally said I could get one, and now I have to wait! haha But looking on the bright side, it will be just that much more time to do research on them. :P And to get ready for the baby!

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