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What are your favorite noises that your AG make?


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My moms CAG makes alot of noises and talks alot but my favorite one is the whining noise my chihuahua makes when he wants to go out. Lol it is soo funny, sometimes I think it is really the dog doing it. I also like how he mimics an ice cube dropping into water. He does this everytime he wants an ice cube! Its amazing what they can mimic!

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I love Pax's meows!! They are very authentic :P And then there is the mimicking of this toy bird whistle I own. You fill the base with water and blow out of the plastic tail and it sounds like birds twittering in the trees. Pax only had to hear it once to start mimicking it incessantly.

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I like it when Tyco does her sci-fi noise and I also love the way she goe woooohoooo when I take her blanket off in the morning. The noise I hate the most is the noise she make of the garbage Truck backing up its the most annoying loudest beep beep I've ever heard I totaly ignore her when she does it but she hears it every week so she is remined often about it.

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Both of my birds will now answer the questions:

1. "What does a duck say?" (both birds will say "Quack, Quack")

2. "what does the kitty say?" (Both birds will say Meeooowwww)


Saphira also does that panting noise, my fiancee hates it, but I love it. Oh and Saphira will say, "Daddies girl" and I have to say I like that.


The sounds I do not like so much are:

The microwave beep at 2000 decibels

The garbage truck "Beep, beep, beep" noice when it backs up

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I really like it when Bandit makes the kiss noise evertime she wants kisses. She just started this in the last two days.


She also makes the purring noise when it is cuddle time. She usually starts making the noise around 8ish and last as long as the cuddles do.


I am so happy she still likes to cuddle. I hear so many people saying their babys don't do this anymore. I think it is sad for them 'cause I enjoy every minute of it.

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I like what I call Maxi's "wooka-wooka" noise - it's like the sound often used in a cartoon when a character does a multiple double-take, or the sound you'd get when you whip a thin piece of metal back and forth. I actually taught it to her with sort of a whispered whistle, but she does it MUCH better (and louder) than I do. I also love the water-droplet noise, which come to think of it, I haven't heard in too long....again: I taught it to her, but hers is MUCH better than mine.


I spend a fair amount of time praying that she doesn't decide she likes Tanner's paint-peeling severe macaw screech...:whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/03/25 16:33

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When AnnaBella knows I getting a soda bottle out of the fridge, she makes the sound of it pouring in the glass and then me drinking it. I love those sounds she makes..they're almost cartoon like.


My husband and I live with and take care of a woman (Valerie) with disabilities. She cracks up when someone sneezes. AnnaBella will make the sneeze sound, say "bless you" and then laugh like Valerie.


There are so many noises and things that she says, it's impossible to pick a favorite. I'm sure you guys can relate...when she learns a word or phrase, she'll say it a lot and then stop saying it. Then I forget that she ever even said it until she starts saying it again. I was keeping a journal of everything she was saying but I've stopped adding to it. I should catch it up to date. Oh well...it's fun to read these. Birdies are so much fun!!


Here's a list of words/phrases she's learned over the last couple of years. I stopped adding last October...laziness...


I love you

Hi/hello baby

Whatcha doin?


Hiya Hotlips



Hello bird

Harrison is a (very) pretty biiiiiirrrrrd

Pretty cool

It's OK


Added 4~12~07

Feed the geckos?

You're a good boy. (lol)

How's my baby?

I'm sorry

Hello Buddy

How are you?

He just started saying "no" when he doesn't want to do something. :)




Where's Heather?

I'm Sorry

gootchie-gootchie goo

Go On



I'm trying to teach him "Tell me about it, stud"...you know, the famous line in "Grease"...so far he says "Tell me about it, SSSSS"


He said "Tell me about it, Stud" perfectly. He doesn't always say it perfectly, but most of the time he does.


He's also saying different variations of the phrases in the first group. Like "Whatcha doin boy?" or "Whatcha doin Harrison?" He beeps like the microwave, makes belching and farting sounds, whines like the dog, wolf whistles, and he also kinda mumbles in my husbands voice...I'll say "what did you say?" to my husband...and he didn't say anything at all...it was AnnaBella.



Since we've found out that Harrison (AnnaBella) is female, we've been talking to her as such. She's learned a few new phrases...


Pretty Girl

Good Girl

Wanna Come out and Play?

She's also barking like our dog...she talks to the dog but I can't understand her...she says "blah blah...Sandy!!" (the dog's name)


I had a sneezing episode yesterday and after each sneeze, my husband said "bless you"...well, this morning, AnnaBella made a sneezing sound and said "bless you" right after. ha.



La Dee Da

Yummy yummy yummy

Stop it Sandy

and she's regularly making sneezing sounds and saying "bless you"



You Go Poopie?

(female voice) "Honey?!"~(male voice) "What?!"

It's alright

Ok bye bye

Bye bye Harrison

You're a good bird, yes you are

Come here


She makes the sound of a soda pop opening



Want a cracker?

Fly, fly, fly!!

Hey, hey, hey!!

What's the matter?

Where's my good birdie?



Hi Sweet Pea

That's my nose, those are my toes

Sandy, shush (Sandy is our dog)



Hey Girl

Go Poopie (in a really high voice, then she poops)

Where's my girl?


Watch birdies (bird DVD)

How's my (little) girl, hmmmm????

That's my (little) girl



I'll be right back

Go outside



Silly girl

Silly bird(y)

Got your nose

WHAT!?~she says that quite often after we say something...as if she didn't quite hear what we said..

Beep (like the phone) Hello? then she says "alright bye bye"

Come on, come on, step up. C'mere baby girl, step up.

I'm sorry

Sandy, chill!!

Where's Denis/Valerie

Hi Heather/Denis/Valerie



She has started clucking like a chicken...I don't know where she got that.

She's also recently started saying "turkey" because I call her that.

When I go to get her out of her cage, she sometimes plays hard to get. Well, she's got what I say down pat.

"wanna come out?" "NO?...ok"...(i walk away)..."turkey!!"...then AnnaBella kinda stomps her feet..."oh you do wanna come out?"..."I thought so"..."Turkey!!"



I'm a star/superstar

cluck cluck chicken

cocka doodle doo good morning

cocka doo doo

wanna go back?

want some water?

You stay right here.


What's going on, buddy?

You wanna come back out?

Where's/who's my little girl?

You're my good girl, yes you are.

Wanna come out and play?

Do you wanna go eat?

Want some mango?

Thank you (my voice)

You're welcome (hubby's voice)

When she sees me eating almost anything, she will say "Want some?"...she also, for some reason, says "Want some here?" I think it's because after she says "want some?" I give her a little bite and I say "here"...that must be why she started that.


Hi Sweet Girl

Where's my sweet girl?

Where's my lil girl

It's ok, buddy

Turkey Lurkey


You're a good girl, Sandy, that's the baby.

When she flies to me, right when she lands on my hand, she says "hello."...it's so cute...she's so 'matter of fact'.


Want a pistachio?

I've been trying to teach her "Okie dokie artichokie" but she says "okie dokie turkey lurkey" instead...it's cute


You are my sunshine...(I'm trying to teach her the song)

Hey, don't bite me.

Stay right there.


want some banana?

want some apple?


If you want to hear her talk, you can visit my website - there's 3 audio files of her talking. They're pretty old and I've posted them here before so if you've been here a while, you may have heard them before.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2009/03/29 05:29

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