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Lost African Grey,... any ideas? URGENT


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Yesterday while I was not home my beloved bird escaped from the house while my dad was watching him. I immediately started the search when I got home.


This morning, I started searching at 5 am. I could hear him chirping now and then. A neighboor said they saw him on the roof of the house next door at around 7:30am. The last call I heard from him was around 9am.


My questions are....How far does the sound of a call travel in normal countryside conditions? The bird is not used to flying... Would it get tired from wandering? Do you think the bird will continue to wander or will it likely pick a perch and wait?


Any suggestions are greatly appreicated.



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Not sure on any of those questions. But one of the things you can do is place his cage outside with his fave foods and the door open.

And maybe when you catch him think about clipping those wings?

Birds even those that don't normally fly if they get a good wind can go miles before they land.

Think how far the call can carry depends on location. Wooded area not as far as say like a basefall field.

I sure hope you get him back.

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Oh no! Keep calling him, he'll know your voice, and hopefully come to you. Maybe try some food or treats to lure him to you.

Good Luck and pleas keep us informed. I hope he comes back to you quickly and safely.:dry:

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Yikes.. Sorry for the nightmare you are going through.. I like the "cage outside" idea and Talon's suggestion about "keep calling him"


Just so you know.. Parrots do get away but many of them are retrieved.. I don't think he will continue to fly away.. I think he will stay in the same general area he is in now..

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Thanks for the ideas. Cage is outside in plain view with plenty of food and water.(fingers crossed)


We live in a mountainous, wooded area. So I have been looking in all of the shrubs around here. I think I will be sticking to looking in the edges of the shrubs...I don't think to bird would be able to get very high in elevation so I think I will be looking in to lower parts of the area.Its the hottest part of the day right now so I am resting, after searching for 6 hours, and getting ready to go out and look again. I already posted flyers throughout the area and talked to many people.


Unfortunately I just got the CAG 2 months ago. The lady I bought him from said his wings were permently damaged from a previous clipping and not to worry about clipping them. The bird flew from the ground into the air so obviously the wings were in good enough shape. I blame myself for not getting them clipped and hope others can learn from my SAD lesson.



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Your bird has not been gone long and you heard him this morning. Since you live in a wooded area I would assume this means he was not far.

Don't give up. Oh and look up not just in bushes. Even if he didn't fly up he could climb up and he was spotted on a roof.

Also maybe start searching further out.

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Here is anouther idea. Do you have other birds? Take one outside in a cage to sit next to the open cage. Maybe the sounds of anouther bird well attact him/her.

Or maybe you have a bird friend that well let you borrow a parrot?

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Hi James,


I really feel for you - but you've got some really good advice here. I just thought I'd share with you that my ring-knecked parakeet escaped from my (ex)boyfriend's house while he was parrot-sitting for me. He got out through an open window, flew around for a couple of hours, but then came back when the sun started to go down. I hope this happens with your CAG too - he may want to come back home to roost,



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Oh my gosh I hope you find him and like the others said you will get him back, it may take a few days. Thats an excellent idea to put the cage outside with some food and water inside as he is likely to eventually find it and know he can get nourishment there. Keep looking and calling and I know at any time we will be alerted to the post that he is home, we have our fingers crossed and will say a little prayer that your beloved is back in your home again.:(

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I am so sorry to hear this. My positive thoughts go out to you in hopes of a successful retreival. Keep calling and looking. Sounds like the ideas above are great. Since you have been hearing him call I would keep up the search as aggressively as possible. They will recognize your voice so keep calling...I sincerely wish you the best for a safe return. Please keep us posted.

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Well, Poncho is alive, but still loose. Yesterday, I did find him and was feet from him, but he flew away again. I met all of our neighboors yesterday looking for him and they reported hearing him throughout the day on 1 specific area.


I am going out now to look for him again since he is very vocal in the early mornings and late afternoons. This time I will definately bring some millet and peanuts along in order to coax him to come with me.


Thanks every1 for the postive thoughts.

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Poncho has been recovered and is alive and well!!! I found him by going to his last known location and waiting... I waited for his familiar song/chirp/call, I repeated this, getting closer and closer each time until I found him. When I found him for the first time today my dog went up to him and put his nose on Poncho and then Poncho flew away AGAIN...Luckily a neighbor who was on the look-out for Poncho was out on her deck and saw where he flew off to. Then I took my dog back home and went on got the cage (which was already sitting in the back of the pick-up truck) and went to where he was seen headed. I looked around a bit and didn't hear or see him, then I stepped to the other side of the road and luckily spotted him in the bushes. I then got him some water right away...and got the cage and put it next to us. I tried to coax him into stepping up on to my hand but he would not have any of that, or take any of the peanuts or millet i had on me.... So after a bit I sneakily grabbed him and got him into the cage. ( I can also report that a CAG bite is FAR less hurtful than my Citron crested Cockatoo's)


Currently Poncho is munching on some food, in between his naps. He seems fine and really not that harmed or hurt from his 2 days and nights in the wild. I hoped he learned his lesson.


Thanks everyone for the great ideas and positive thoughts and prayers they are greatly appreicated.

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