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Eating Question


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I brought my baby home on the 19th. She eats pellets or nuts pretty good. My problem is that she doesn`t seem to care for veggies or oatmeal or any thing of that nature. I`ve tried the raw veggies and steamed and blending. She`ll pick at it anyway that I fix it, but doesn`t seem to care for veggies at all. I`m going to try sweet potatoe today. I cut some sweet corn into pieces yesterday, on the cobb. She played with it more than she ate. She`s really not losing any weight, but she`s not gaining either.

Any advice for me would be great. Gary

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Hi Gary

You just have to be patient. Your grey is in a new home and re-adjusting. Give her some time, if she is eating pellets, thats great. Nuts also provide calcium and nutrients. Try the veggis slowly and give her time. You might try the same thing more than once and maybe one time she will try it. My bird loves capsicum (the part with seeds also) in any color. He loves squash or zuccini, brocoli, carrots, also you can try bean sprouts. They love them and it provides protiens. Try also some fruits, less sugery ones are healthier (apples, grape, mangos, banana, pomgranate, cherries, strawberry...)

Just be patient and allow your bird time to get used to you, the new home and new foods. Enough love and patience will do the job.




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The main thing is to keep offering the veggies and try varying how they are prepared, raw, cooked, mashed and so forth for usually they will start eating them at some point.


Another thing that helps is to see you eating them and enjoying them, sometimes that is all it takes to make them want them.

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Judy is spot on.


Just keep offering the veggies and other food items. What they turn their beak up to today, they may gouge themselves on next week.


Sometimes their appetites seem like us humans... Naaaaa, I don't feel like a salad, vegetable, chicken, fish etc. with/for dinner.... :-)

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I really appreciate all the replies. I`m just a concerned parront I guess.

I just put the harness on her for the first time a little while ago. We went out on the porch and sit in and on the swing awhile. Then we went for a short ride down the dirt roads. We stopped at a neighbors house and one of their cats jumped up on the tool box, in the back of the pickup, and Harley was on my shoulder and she started growling and moved a little closer to daddy. It was funny. She acted like she would give the cat a run for his money.

All in all I think she is doing really good. She is back up to her original weight today.

Thanks everyone for your advice. I`ve learned alot on this forum and I`m sure I`ll keep learning. Thanks for having me. Gary :)

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Another member who is having success with the harness on their grey, sounds like she had a good time and I bet that reaction to the cat was priceless, would have been a great kodak moment.


We are glad you are here Gary and stick with us as we won't steer you wrong.

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I don't know it this will help you with the veggie delima but it seemed to help Bandit with any new food. I had a problem with getting Bandit to eat fruits.


I found that if I eat it she thinks she needs to also. It took some time to get her to eat it in her cage (about a week) but she did it.


I hope that helps.

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