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Sleep Time


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My Kookie is just like a little kid, he refuses to go to his cage to sleep. I know he needs his sleep time, but every evening, when I wanna take him from his playstand to his cage, he starts to run a way and avoids me and even tries to bite me (soft bite) just to avoid going to sleep. When I succeed to take him to his cage, and although he is really sleepy (I know bcs he grinds his beek) he starts to circulate all around the cage. I tried to put off the light but that scared him and he clings to the side of the cage and seems scared, so now I keep some light in the room next to him so he wouldnt be scared, I calm him down and sometimes take him out and pet his back. He seems fine but as soon as I put him back in the cage, he sems restless and just wanna get out. I partially cover his cage by a white blanky, but with or without the blanket it is the same. I think he likes to sleep on his perch in the TV room but I know he wont sleep well with the TV noises. Sometimes I can hear him moving around in his cage for about 15 to 20 minutes before he sleeps, sometimes he makes noises like hes calling me, so I jump out of bed and go to his side but all he wants is to get out of the cage and sleep out, on my hand or on the perch on top of his cage


What do u suggest?

I never faced this with my previous grey but that was a baby.

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Mabie he's just feeling a little insecure and need a bit of reasurance or mabie he's testing you to see if your going to let him get away with it or not they are very much like human children that way. When its time for bed you have to be firm because you know whats best for him. So tuk him in give him a good night kiss and a scritch tell him you love him and cover him up. he will soon know when his bed time is and go willingly if you keep the same time and and rotine every night. When its bed Time at my hous I say okay sweeties its bedtim get into your house and all the bird stop what there doing and toddle of into their cages its very cut to watch all the bird scurry into bed and wait by their cage doors for their kisses and scritches.Tyco likes to stall a little she go into her hous alright but when its her turn to get tucked in she will do anything to keep me longer at her cage then any one else does she play tug o war with th blanket or she will reach through the bars with her foot and grab my finger and won't let go. She is such a little brat sometimes I can't help but love her.

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Oh thats lovely with your birds... I am following a sleep routine with Kookie, but when he is in his cage sometimes I feel he is really restless and when I go to check upon him I see he is really scared and he is holding to the bars on side of the cage. He seems to be panting and scared. I have changed his cage cover to a smaller and white color one, I keep one light on in the next room so its not totally dark and he wouldnt be scared. Sometimes he is just naughty and wants to test me and try to sleep on his play stand. Im not sure if its ok, I would sleep better knowing he is in his cage at night. Ive had him for a month now and its a learning journey with him...

Thanks a lot Tycosmom. It would also be nice to see how other greys sleep s I hope more members would add their comments...


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Have you tried not covering him up, some greys dont like it.If he is panting I would guess he is stressed.Have you put anything new in his cage that he is afraid of,or altered anything at all.It could be the position of the cage that is scaring him,maybe you could move it to where he is more at ease.The panting tells me that he is genuinley upset so do have a good look to find the problem. Is he ok in the cage of a day time?You leave a light on in another room but he could still be afraid of the dark.Hope you find a solution,I too would not be happy to leave him out of a night but I do think something is bothering him.Good luck,keep us informed.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/03/24 13:43

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Thanks a lot for your concern. Kookie has ben with me for a month. Day after day its better. I think with the small white blanket covering half of the cage iits better now. Still I am watching carefully to make sure hes alright and not scared. Since Im keeping the light on in the toilet next to his room its better. He likes his cage and many times he doesnt wanna get out cos hes enjoying his toys inside or sitting on his perch preening. I guess sometimes hes like a child who doesnt wanna sleep. The panting is less, especially that now I wait for him to get tierd on his playstand and until he starts grinding his beak to take him to sleep in the cage. Of course this means staying long after his bed time. I hope it will get better with time. He is getting used to the new surrounding and new people especially that he has spent 4.5 years with his previous family. Its all new to him and we are trying to bond. I just wandered if other members too find it difficult to put their grey to bed, and how can I make it better so thanks a lot for your support guys...



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I know that some parrot owners purchase little night lights for their parrots. I myself don't use a nite light. My parrots are pretty good about bed time, but I do keep to a firm, regular and consistent schedule. A tired bird is usually a crabby bird who will bite the next day.


I cover them partially just for privacy and both of their cages are against a wall.

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One side of a cage should always be up against a wall, it gives them a sense of security but I have never had a problem with Josey going to bed, usually she is already in her cage when that time comes unless I have her on another playstand away from the cage but then she goes in easily. I cover her cage completely and I never hear anything out of her from that point until morning when she is uncovered.


Others may have to use a night light or partially cover their grey, it just depends on the individual bird and what they are more comfortable with.

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The "trick" I use for bed time is a little seed. I know that its not the best thing but he looks forward to going in at night so he can have some. I dont let him have alot of food outta cage in the evenings (after he has a big dinner) then about 30 mins before lights out I let him go in and have some seed. I am usually in line of site so he just munches.


when lights out come hes nice and full and is usually about ready he will do some circuits while I am covering him but he usually settles in mins. I have a dimmer light where his cage is and I do leave that on the dimmest I can get it and only cover 3 1/2 sides so he does have a place to look out if he hears a noise and so he can see nothings coming to get him.

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This may sound alittle different but Nika will tell me when she's ready to go nite nite. She gets on my hand and off to bed she go's. Her night time cage sets in a little cove beside the fire place, she has a wall on 3 sides. She has nerver needed a cover over her cage even while we are watching TV. She's a very content Grey.<br><br>Post edited by: jimbo, at: 2009/03/25 01:35

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I tuck Schroeder in every night at the same time, and make a big deal out of it. Sleepy time is fun time, and he looks forward to it. I tell him it is sleepy-sleepy time, we walk over to the cage, I snuggle with him while talking about sleepy time. He gets a treat and munches on it while I tell him a story. I say "Good night Schroeder, I love you, I'll see you tomorrow" Then I put him in his cage and lean in, rub his head and give him a kiss. He really likes the fuss being made over him and goes right to sleep. Maybe Bed time should be a treat?

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now I just coverone side with theblanket, 2 sides are on a corner which leaves one side for Kookie to peek out and look around...its getting better and he seems to be sleeping fine now, except that he tries o stay up on his play stand as late as he could...asking for scratch and trying to sing...anything so that he wouldnt go to bed...


He is funny...



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