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quiet day today


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Today Rita has been quite quiet. As you know I have had her for a little less than a week and she talks and whistles a lot. Today she has said a very few word and is spending her time eating and preening and sitting on her perch . I can't really get her to talk. Is this unusual or do they sometimes have a quiet day?

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It's not unusual at all. As long as she is eating okay and otherwise being herself.

I think sometimes the weather can affect their moods- for instance, mine get quite wired whenever a storm front is on it's way into the area.

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Dorian also has days when he is more quiet, or napping more during the day. The 'tiel we have at the store talks a lot more when he's nervous about something or someone. Is it possible Rita is talking less because she's feeling more at home? Every bird is different. Is she grinding her beak when she's sitting quietly? Karma to you for taking in an older bird.

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Thank you all for responding and making me feel better. Rita is just fine and has started her talking again this afternoon. I think judygram was right when she said that it might be a Monday kind of thing. No one really likes Mondays and maybe Rita gets a Monday morning blues. Thanks again. You are invaluable to a new mom.

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