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Scared moment/WARNING


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ZZero loves to play with my zippers I try not to let him but somtimes he just too fast. The little clip at the top of the zippers came off and has clamped over the bottom of his beak half in and half out. We have tried everything to get it out and made phone calls all over the city no one can see him tonight. I was panicked but I just got off the phone with my vet who finally called me back and will see him first thing in the morning. he said he has seen this before and that it happens alot with bells and for me not to worry he will be fine till morning.


I am scared they are gonna have to put him under to get this off but the Vet said he would do everything in his power to not have to. I was also worried about metal poisening as its right where he grinds his beak but he said that is not a concern either. So I hope the morning and tonight are not too stressful on him. he wants to eat but I took his food away cause he seemed to gag when he got a bite . I am gonna sleep with him tonight I dont want him to get caught on any strings as he has alot of fabric perches.


Ok I just had to vent I have been so upset I will update after his appointment in the morning at 7:30 pacific Thank you Cindy

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Oh boy, what a thing to have happen.


Please keep us updated on any particular technique the vet uses to remove that zipper. I figure holding the bird in a towel and using a pair of needle-nose or hemostats would be the best bet, gently of course.


Good luck!!

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Yes Dan exactly :) it was the same as I tried last night but he just went for it nothing gentle about it lol I about had a heart attack. They did not have to put him under which was great news I was so worried about that . I slept by ZZeros cage last night I was so worried he would get caught on somthing but all went smooth I am just a worry wart. One thing that happened though is my vet forgot he was fully flighted and opened his crate off went ZZero into the window twice so now we came home with a bug bump on his forhead:(

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Oh poor ZZero I would not wish that on any bird. I would have been worried sick. I'm so glad that everything is okay now. I will be making sure I don't wear anything with zipper when I'm handleing my birds from now on. I would be sleeping right beside him all night as well your a good mama.

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Oh, it's great news zero has that zipper off now. :-)


But, that flight into the window had to be horrifying. Thank god zero did not get a concussion or worse. Keep an eye on him. Are his pupils pinned constantly? I ask, because when Dayo had the horrible dog incident and flew into the wall, he had a bump, swelling come up around the eyes and his eyes were pinned for 2 days.


Hopefully the swelling will not be too severe.

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Hes is doing so well, we laid around today and cuddled, it was a very tramatic experience. he has eaten some and gave me tons of kisses so all is good :))

Thanks guys it was nice to have a place with people who understand to vent :)

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Does anyone have an opinion if zippers are intrinsically dangerous?


Shanti is frequently chewing on the zipper of my hoodie. He bites on the metal teeth and sometimes pulls them off but hasn't messed with the clip on the top. Obviously, the hoodie is just a half-destroyed rag I wear around the house.

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Glad to hear Zero is ok. It's incredible the things they can get into isn't it! David, I'd watch the zipper. Even if Shanti does't manage to mangle it, I remember a thread from at least a year ago where someone's bird got some sort of toxic metal exposure from constantly playing with the zipper on a pillow cover. Does anyone else remember this?

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