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We re-homed a seven year old CAG female, Rita, last week. Many years ago I had an African Grey that I had to give up. Lately I began thinking about having one. We are both retired and have quite a lot of time. I went to the avian vet that I used decades ago to talk to him about wanting to get an African Grey. He just happened to have Rita who had been given up about 4 months ago. I brought my husband to meet her and we both fell in love. The vet told us that she was a lovely bird and very talkative. She did not say a word when we got her home. By that evening however, she started talking. She loves to have me hold her and 'scratch' her neck. She talks and talks and talks. We can't understand everything but she has a wonderful vocabulary that we do understand and everyday she says something that we haven't heard before. We are thrilled. Oh yes, the cats and the dog are curious but they stay away and we carefully protect her.

Glad I found your forum.

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Hello Greymom and welcome to the family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing a lot more about you and Rita.


That is a wonderful story of how you came to acquire Rita, you were wanting one and Rita was in need of a good home, I am glad you found one another, it was meant to be.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see some pictures of Rita if you would share some with us.

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I just saw your other post and ask all the question that you answered here in the welcome room I guess I should have come hee first. welcome again and I'm so glad that you are enjoying Rita it sound like she has taken a real shine to you already she must have had a wonderful home to be so trusting of new people.

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Welcome greymom!!


It's nice having you here and wonderful hearing you just adopted a Grey in need. :-)


It will take some time, but that Grey will come around with lots of patience, love and attention.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hello Greymom and welcome to the forum! You will find this site to be very helpful for grey owners, everyone is always willing to help. What a wonderful story that is and how lucky Rita is to have found such a caring owner. If you have some pics of Rita we would love to see them.

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Welcome to the grey family...great news that you found Rita just in time...you are both lucky.


Hope you will post some pictures soon and surely you will have great time with Rita and this forum



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