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He's home!!!!

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He had a vet appointment yesterday to check on a few things in his bloodwork that were odd in his initial vet visit. Everything is normy-normal! Yay!


Yesterday he figured out how to turn our hallway lights on and off. He climbed down his cage bars behind the cage and started beaking the light switch. Ha ha!!


New pic of Chimay and his daddy

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Oh! I forgot to mention....Chimay's had two successful nights in his sleeping cage! Yay! It's still taking a little bit of coaxing each time though. He is a little to anxious to stay inside the cage on the first attempt, so I take him out and cuddle with him in the bedroom in front of the sleep cage. Once he's all puffy and sleepy again I put him inside and he's eventually starts grinding his beak.


I was starting to get worried about his quality/quantity of sleep there for a while. We've got a fairly hefty sound system and large HD TV in the living room where his play cage is, and we'd have to turn it down to a whisper at night. But I think the brightness of the tv was keeping him awake because we'd hear him eating pellets and climbing around his cage into 11pm, waking up at 7am (6 hrs of sleep for baby grey---no good!). So we've had two good nights of about 9-10 hours of sleep! I'm so relieved that he's using the night cage with no problems.

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