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Pick her up tomorrow


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Well the day is finally here. I do not post alot YET but i do thank you all for the threads of advice we have read. We pick up our baby tomorrow its a 3 hour drive.....but i think it will seem like forever. I have added a pic she is 13 weeks old now. Oh btw her name is Pako.

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Please keep us up to date on your new baby I would love to see some more pics of her. As for loading pics onto the thread all you have to do is open an account at www.photobucket.com download tou pictures there and then copy and paste the img code into your post and your picture will show up.

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Heres My Girl


we get along absolutely great. Her transition home was almost Nil she got sick once in the cage on the way to car and that was it. She pirched happily on the front water bowl and just hung out with us.


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She is doing awesome. I am learning her likes and dislikes in food. She Hates eggs ive never laughed so hard when she didnt like that taste. She loves Hard corn but hates soft corn. Loves Oatmeal breakfast time special. She loves all sorts of toys has got 3 knots untied so far. figured out her first level twist n get treat holder. Says Mama plain as day (i got her to say it our first visit in febuary. Said Uh-Oh yesterday when she dropped a toy. Said it again today when i dropped the remote lol. plays crazy bird. hooks feet and flapps crazily. i taught her this by doing that too her with my arms as wings lol. she has to be to bed by 7 or she gets very unruly. She is so much like a baby its hard to believe lol. I Love Her So Much.

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Oh wow it sounds like your having as much fun with your baby as i'm having with mine.

I really is like have a baby around constantly worrying that theirgoing to fall or get sick. Your lucky your guy can perch now mine can't yet so I constantly chaeing her/his papers every time s/he poops which is allot I might add :laugh: Oh well what are mama's for eccept to make sure everything is A ok with the Baby. Enjoy your baby they don't stay that way long. I'm going to take full advantage of this time and love every minute of it.

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Ok This Baby Is Awesome. She is so close to me she snuggles me quite often and when im making her breakfast she gets on her perch and yells MaMa. She loves being close to me when she is not playing. Lol which i must say she plays alot loves all sorts of toys so she keeps busy. But when she wants love she lets me know by yelling my name if im in dining room or getting on edge of cage and look for me on couch. She trys to talk alot she has said a few words but not many times UhOh Hello Mama she says allll the time lol i said that too her alot on visits before she got to come home. Mama loves her and such. So i think she knows im mama. The thing im curious about is she mumbles ALOT when she is on my shoulder. And she does this thing looks like shes might be tryin to find her words? cocking her head up and down. Not like when they feed its a bit different than that.And she does alot of beak grinding. Any help would be apprieciated greatly. I think i have a heck of a talker on my hands. I do talk to her alot would that progress her talking? She is only 15 weeks tomorrow.heres a cool pic of her.IMG_0760.jpg

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Most Grey's don't start talking till around a year old some can and do talk early I would say that mama would be an easy one for him. they practice allot and most of what they say is jibberish but practice makes perfect and you could have a baby that talks very early.

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Well congratulations on that wonderful baby grey!!


She is beautiful and sounds like a real character. :-)


The mumbling is normally them "Calibrating" words they want to get right before they announce it to the world.

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