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Can CAG vomit?


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we were away from home for almost 5 hours .... then we return and Max was playing with me and I am touching him everywhere over his body, he was making funny sounds while playing with me with his beak (sounds like human infant start making its first months sounds) its usual sometimes Max makes those sounds and he is active and fine. he went to drink water (it is clean) then he vomit liquid from his beak ones or twice only right after drinking water. then came again to play with me ... I removed his food bowel and left the room to test if he start whistling and calling for attention .... he is talking normal and making normal noise to get me back to the room ..... is he okay ...



please advise?

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no but while he was playing before he vomit, he was shakes his head front and back (not right & left) couple of times ....


I ask thevet he says as long he is talking and actively playing nothing to worry about


what do you think guys

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I go along with what your vet said, if he is eating and playing and otherwise acting normal then don't worry about it, they give us too much to worry about as it is, don't heap on more than is necessary, enjoy the weekend, party and have a good time.:laugh:

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It's hard to tell from your description whether or not he actually vomited. Did you notice his throat moving? Was it above, or near, his water dish after drinking? Was the liquid clear, like water?


Greys, and many parrots, can be messy drinkers. Edison often lets water run out of his beak when he's drinking. Almost as if he over fills his lower beak, drinks what he wants and lets the rest dump out. OR, he just shakes his head while drinking and water falls out.


Since he doesn't seem ill, I don't think it's anything to worry about it.

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Guys thanks for all your posts.


Judy, you are right ... I had a nice weekend after my concern about Max last night .. he is fine with much noise and palyfull...


you all are right and the vet too .. MAX is normal.


dave007, can I know why not to touch max everywhere? when I touch his body, wings, leg, beak head .. and he allows I be sure that he still likes me and we are doing fine ,, can you explain the point you are referring to, i believe you are poiting to an important point which i donno?


Sevi, he moves his throatstwice may be as i mentioned before ... he vomit near his water dish not above, and the water in water dish was still clear ... what I refer to as Vomit is a clear liquid (like the human spit) like when a human baby eat sweets (gum or toffy ) and drop the liquit out ... di u get what I mean ... that is what max drops three times continuasoly ... which makes me have that concern .. and I stil love to hear more explanation from someone experienced this before.


but guess what, my wife and I have three kids and she is experienced in kids behaviour ... she told me when you play with a baby and he moves alot after or while eating/drinking its likely to happen that kids vomit even little ... that should apply to parrots in a way or other (just thoughts ... it may make sence to me) ...


best regards, to all,



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Since you're saying that you rub him all over his body , I assume you also rub under the wings, the lower back, the lower breast area, near the underside near the tail area---well, that's sexually exciting to the bird and it's no good to excite the bird that way. As time goes on, you'll tire of doing that at any particular time and your bird will take his beak and lightly grab your finger so that you don't stop. If you continue to do that more and more at different times, the grabbing of your finger will be firmer and firmer to the point of being uncomfortale. If you it more and more as time goes on and try to stop that type of petting, that grabbing will become intense and the bird won't let go and eventually he'll bite because he doesn't want you to stop. This can happen to young birds and older birds but with older birds, the point of biting will happen quicker. You're stimulating the bird and then leaving him hanging.--Not a good idea and eventually the bird will make it a point to not let you stop. Also, in the future it will be very hard to pet your bird because the first thing he'll think about is getting stimuklated so that petting time will be shorter.

A bird doesn't have to be of the age where they're able to mate in order to get sexually stimulated.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/21 21:05

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Dave, I know what you mean now, but I don't rub him on that area, no no no no ... not even close to the under area where you described!! that area is obvious one should not come close to it even, but thanks for the alert anyways ...

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