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Cooing/gurgling noise


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Ursula is female and 11 months old. Lately, in the evening when my husband comes home from work and we are sitting at the table eating dinner, she starts making a low, cooing/gurgling noise.


It increases as we approach her, and she seems very content while she's doing it - but maybe a little needy? She also scrunches up her neck a little and holds her beak up, perhaps like she is asking us to regurgitate for her or something?


Is this early mating behavior or regressive baby behavior? Or neither?

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Well it definitely isn't mating behavior at 11 months so it must be some kind of baby behavior, maybe she is begging for you to feed her.


Do you feed her when you are sitting at the table? She may want something off your plate. Some people are hesitant to feed their grey right from their plate at the table but I have allowed Josey to eat from my plate, I make sure she doesn't get anything she shouldn't have.

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