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web site called bird tricks

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hello there friends

i was looking on the net and found a website called bird tricks.com and i got a free down load of how to stop an aggressive bitting squalking bird from behaving badly he has for sale a tutorial dvd lit and video on teaching your parrot how to behave so that all members of the family can have a friendly relationship with the bird and i was wondering if anybody has used chets system before i buy it and if it realy works

many thanks and hopeing to hear from you guys and gals:woohoo:

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All I can say his technics leave much to be to desired. I wouldn't waste your money. He uses some cruel technics such as witholding food which to me is very cruel a bird should do thing out of love not because it the only way it going to get any food. how would you like it if you wern't allowed to eat til you jumped through a few hoops for someone. Just My opinion. most of his stuff is total garbage and does not deserve a second look.

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