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Tyco my new bird ???


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I think someone must have swapped Tyco on me you would not beleive the attitude change thats come over her since I brought the baby home. Tyco is sweet and loving and always wants to play. I spent an hour last night just trying to put her to bed. She wanted kisses and scritches and then she wanted to play tug-o-war with her blanket then peek a boo then more kisses then when I finaly got her cage door closed she reached through the bars and grabed my finger and wouldn't let go. what a girl I can't help but love her to bits. She certinaly has come a long way since I got her. THAT MY SWEETHEART!!!

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That is so sweet to hear Pat, maybe bringing home that new baby has made a change in her, who knows she might think if she doesn't act right you have another grey to take her place.


She has come a long way hasn't she, this warms my heart so much to hear you speak of Tyco like this, lets hope this change is here to stay.

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