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Quick Question


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I know this is a hard question to answer, But the breeder I am getting my baby from has 4 baby greys, And although I will be for sure able to get the baby in like 3 weeks...I am afraid they will all be gone. So here is the hard part, how fast do they sell from just a private breeder...I know almost immpossible to answer since you cant predict the future, But just like on average. I dont know if maybe there were any people on here that might breed them and know how fast they sell them...And the other question, do you get more than one clutch a year? So if she does sell them all, will that be it for the rest of the year? Or do they lay again? I know a lot about greys and keeping them as papmered pets, just dont know a lot about the breeding of them. I am just SO afraid that when I am able to finally get one in 3 weeks, they wont be there :( I have been waiting like my whole life for this, and even to wait another 3 weeks seems immposible, haha...So anyone that can shed a little insight my way would be great! Thank you so much! OH I have another question, haha, I have a queen of bavaria conure, that screams a lot, will the grey just pick up on screaming like him and not talking? And any ideas on how to get the queen to stop screaming, its when we sit down to eat...I have tried giving him treats and that doesnt work, the only thing that works is to cover him, which I feel bad about doing at like 7, haha...He also screams through out the day...:( So i cant keep him covered all day, any ideas?


SO sorry for the long post, Just got a lot of questions :blush:

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Can you go and pick one out and put a deposit down to hold it? That is what I would do.


Your grey will probably pick up the conure scream for mine did but it won't stop it from talking if it is going to talk it will.


Do you take your conure out of the cage when you are home?

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All the birds cages are open all day...And I am just a little nervous about the down payment thing. I have trust issues, haha, Also, You never know, my hubby and I could like both loose or jobs or something, YIKES! Then we are out the down payment, without enough moolah to get the baby

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Why don't you give the breeder a deposit for a baby grey so they save one for you. In my opinion I think greys do sell fast even if they are private breeders. My breeders are private and they had 4 baby greys and now they only have one left plus mine(I put a deposit on it so I know they won't sell it.)


And yes I do think your grey might pick up the conures screetch, my moms grey has mastered 3 different screetches (cockatiels, senegal and indian ringneck) lol but he still does talk a lot too.

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Oh I see then you will just have to take the chance that all the babies will be sold by the time they are weaned.


About the conure, maybe he wants to join you at dinner, I feed my birds when we eat our dinner, sometimes with them eating off my plate.


Maybe he just wants to be with you, you could let him ride around on your shoulder for a while, my conure loves doing that.

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Many conures yell and some screech and some squawk alot. That's the way conures are. You're gonna have to put up with it. You're only punishing the bird from doing what nature is dictating by using a towel. Conures will reach their loudest as young adults.

Will the grey pick up on the screaming? Probably not. Only a few particular sounds will register with a grey and that usually doesn't remain permanent. They have their own sounds and are more interested in their own species. If a person has 2 greys, more than likely, one will immitate ther other.

Like everyone has said, a deposit is the way things are done. Once a deposit is made, the bird will eventually be yours. What you're doing right now is called pot luck. A person usually puts away a certain amount of money to both buy the bird and all the accessories needed.

Will the birds have more clutches? That's totally up to the breeder and only he can answer that question. The breeder is the one that decides whether the birds will breed again. Breeding parrots is a controlled thing. Birds aren't just put together so they can constantly breed.

Talking won't be affected. It's you that has to practice the talking with the bird and the only way it won't talk is if the bird wasn't meant to talk whether there's another bird around or not. Some greys don't talk. Nothing can be done about that and talking should definitely not be an important thing to think about when buying any parrot. It means little. Parrots talk in their own language all day long and it's up to the owner to learn what the bird is saying. Too mant people buy birds just because they have a reputation for talking and many are sadly disappointed.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/19 19:16

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Well I am not buying the baby just for talking ability. So....I was just wondering if the screeching would keep him from talking if he was going to. But thank you all for your advice! I do hold to conure all the time, He is from a recent owner who didnt have time to give him attention, that is why she rehomed him, she said he would scream all day long for attention...He just has to know he doesnt have to scream for it anymore ;) Cuz as soon as I put him back onto his cage he will start screaming...I think he will get use to it though, I have only had him about a month, so he is still adjusting to his new life...And judygram, your right, he does love to eat while we eat, and eat what we are eating, haha, silly babies.

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Well it might take a while for him to realize that he doesn't have to scream for attention so be patient, my conure screams some but not too much.


If you are eating then they want to eat too and eat what you are eating, you know monkey see, monkey do.

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If you interact regularly, often and consistently with your parrot.. its chances of talking really start to increase. That's just my opinion.:P


If I just take a look at my own situation. My pionus is quite a loudymouth or very quiet. She has some very loud sounds which my african grey knows how to imitate, however my african grey also started talking english about 2 months ago also. I think that if you have a good relationship with your grey the chances that they will try to imitate you increases also but there are really no guarantees.

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