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Roxy got hurt


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Last night, when I got home, I put ROxy's veggies in the microwave as usual, while she was sitting on her perch complaining that I'm taking too long. I went outside for 30 seconds to take something nextdoor, and when I got back, she jumped off the cage and onto her old cage, whistling away.


Then when I touched her beak, there was a speck of blood on it. I was so worried, and looked everywhere to find the place where she got hurt, but couldn't find the spot. She just went on playing, eating her food and falling asleep on my shoulder. Needless to say, there was no blood or injury anywhere.


Then, when it was bedtime, I bent down so she could get into her cage, when she streched she moaned, then I realized that she hurt herself somewhere in her throat, because there was another speck of blood after she complained.


This morning I took her to the vet, still playing and eating and whistling. The vet checked everywhere and finally said that it looks like she's got a small sore because of the fall and when she stretches her neck, it opens up again and that causes a little blood to come out.


Luckily she said that there is nothing to be worried about, because it will heal itself, she must just not play too ruff.


Easy for her to say, I am so worried!!! :(


I cannot even check on her because I am at work.


Just thought I must share my sad story with you all.

Will let you know how it is going on Monday.

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Just want to let you all know that Roxy is A O K!

She even started to babble this weekend, trying to say all the things that she's been hearing, all that was needed was prayers.


Thanks All!

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