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Moral Dilemma


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OMG, I would quit, but my family needs the insurance, especially since my wife lost her job a few months ago. About a month ago, a Black Headed Caique died of massive bacterial infection. Two weeks later, two sun conures, whom I poured my heart and soul into, also died. A couple of days later, a Green Cheek Conure whom I also sold to a customer died. I may be able to come up with records of the autopsy reports. All records from the vets indicate that the problems originate with our vendor, way before we ever had the bird to begin with. However, the company I work for, is reluctant to sever relations with this "Bird Mill". My human children are defendant on my ability to provide medical insurance through this company I work for. I need legal advice badly. Particularly whistle blower acts. BTW, I have already secured another job, the problem is, insurance for my human children. Tears are flowing hear. What the hell do i do?

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There may be a way for you to work from within the system without losing your job -- educating management, advocating for animal welfare, supporting reform of laws and regulations. Sometimes when you raise the right issues and ask the right questions at your workplace, people will respond more positively than you expect.


On the other hand, sometimes they won't, and there may be no way to perform your work in good conscience.


Sounds like trying to line up a new job with health insurance BEFORE you quit (if you have to) is a good idea.


You have a classic ethical dilemma of conflicting values. There's no simple right answer, but you have taken the first steps toward a good outcome by honestly articulating what your values are and what's at stake.

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My heart goes out to your family. So much loss!


I found the following information at www.usa.gov:


For information regarding whistle blower laws in your state for the private sector, contact your State Attorney General. This office should also be able to give you information regarding any laws in place regarding those "mills" that may operate in your state.


Please keep us posted!

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Oh man, I feel for you but have no advice to offer but I think you will find a way to deal with this as a couple before me have offered you some suggestions, good luck to you and I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers that you find a solution to your dilemma.

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I don't know if this might help you, but your state seems to have an auxiliary children's health insirance program:




Ihaven't explored that link - just found it - and I'm hoping maybe it will help you at least lower one brick wall in your equation.


You are clearly a very conscientious person in a really tough spot. Keep us posted on how you handle this. We are with you!

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