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To start off, I'll just say that there are pictures coming! I promise! I have lots it's just life gets pretty busy now and then and I very recently had to re-install Windows on my computer....:whistle:


Anyway, THE most exciting news! I was out visiting little Darwin again today and the breeder gave me great news! Darwin has been eating on his own for a week now and the breeder told me that if he stays on track, Darwin will be coming home this time next week!

As you can imagine, I'm thrilled!

I've been visiting him up to four times a week for the past 8 weeks since I picked him out. He's quite accustomed to me, my Mum and my boyfriend. He'll even come running to the edge of the cage when he sees me through the window! Such a good boy.

He loves to be on his back, too. It's quite funny. He'll let me flip him upside down and lie in my hand. He loves playing with his feet in that position and chewing on anything he can get his little beak on.

Darwin is also quite vocal and especially squaks happily when you rub his neck. He's started lying his head down in the palm of your hand so you can scratch his head. :)


Sorry to have ranted so long, but I'm so very excited!


Pictures to follow!




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I'm looking forward to those pictures, one more week, how will you stand the wait, you will be so excited you won't be able to sleep. I wish Josey would lay on her back, I am so jealous that yours will, thanks for letting us know tht you will be getting Darwin next week.

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Darwin sounds like he's trying to get home as soon as possible eating all his food up so he can be with youall the time. what a good boy. A week must seem like an enternity at this point but it will be here before you know it. sounds to me like he really loves you thats so great I want to see all those pics you promised as well. Have a good week.

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Thanks so much Judy, he is quite pretty, isn't he?

The breeder is convinced he is a girl but we shall see. Either way he/she will still be Darwin to me. :)


And as for Sammy, she is a rehome. Overweight right now but is losing a little everyday with my boyfriend's hard work and her flapping her heart out.


Thanks for looking at my many pictures!



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